Benny (Rapper)

Songtext Super plug Benny (Rapper)


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Super plug

Ah, The Butcher comin', nigga
Let's go, hahaha
Uh, Benny, Uncle Al
A-A-A-A-A-A-Alchemist (Ah)
Yeah, yeah, yeah
You know me right? (I like this shit right here, ya know?)

I keep it real with everything I do (Everything I do)
And everything I say (Everything I say)
And everything I love (Every thing I love)
My only wish was get my niggas rich (Get my niggas rich)
Hold my family down (Hold my family down)
And find the plug, yo (And find the plug, ha)

I made it ugly in these streets, they talkin' cuter on these records (What?)
Pull his tool out my boot when y'all gon' shoot towards the exit (I know, exit)
When you raw compr?ssin'
You might look at a new car, a watch or a new loft as a few small inv?stments
My team was like a crutch to me, I use y'all for leverage (My niggas)
We used to share clothes, now a suit cost a Lexus
The line hot, they wanna hear the truth on the records
Since I blew more, the feds got threw off direction (Ah)
I'm too small to catch me in a two-part confession (Not me)
The jail cells grew on, let's do our profession (Ah)
They want my supplier but he flew off to Texas (Flew off to Texas)
They identified the bosses through y'all possessions
Last two years, I been runnin' through all contestants
Four pound of dragon, shit chew off your vests (Brrrt)
Back flip a opp, blow his shoe over fences (Ah)
And you ain't get shot but you caught the message (Yeah, yeah)

I keep it real with everything I do (Everything I do)
And everything I say (Everything I say)
And everything I love (And everything I love)
My only wish was get my niggas rich (Get my niggas rich)
Hold my family down (Hold my family down)
And find the plug (And find the plug, yeah, yeah)
I had to turn that one to two (That one to two)
Turn that two to three (Turn two to three)
And turn that to a dub (Turn it to a dub)
My only wish was get my niggas rich (All my niggas rich)
Hold my family down (Hold my family down)
And find the plug (And find the plug, ah)
Yeah, yeah, yeah, let's go

I went all in with this shit 'cause I got caught up in it quick
I drove it back six hours with my daughter in the whip
Ask Bundy, he'll tell you since them steak dreams, I been hungry
All this paper on the line, got my nerves all jumpy, yeah (Annoyed)
Caught my first case and had to move into my pop's house
That ain't stop shit, I stashed work in my pop's couch
That same year, they kicked me out of school, no, I dropped out (I dropped)
Another case, I chopped out
A lawyer and I copped out
Oh shit, I been on since like the old Clipse
Sixteen hour road trip for the whole brick
Pass the toast and tell my lil' bitch, "Have that stove lit"
I'ma trap out this whole shit 'long as dough print (Ah)
You get advice from war from a nigga that you know bitch (Know bitch)
I'm sittin' down with lords who got it in, they been known hits (Grrrt)
Ain't no awards for these broads and these coke flips
Niggas want my crown (Yeah), they put it on, but it don't fit

I keep it real with everything I do (Everything I do)
And everything I say (Everything I say)
And everything I love (Everything I love)
My only wish was get my niggas rich (Get my niggas rich)
Hold my family down (Hold my family down)
And find the plug (And find the plug, yeah, yeah)
I had to turn that one to two (That one to two)
Turn that two to three (Turn two to three)
And turn that to a dub (Turn it to a dub, ah)
My only wish was get my niggas rich (All my niggas rich)
Hold my family down (Hold my family down)
And find the plug (And find the plug)

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