Bob Dylan

Songtext Summer days Bob Dylan


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Summer days

Summer days, summer nights are gone
Summer days and the summer nights are gone
I know a place where there's still somethin' going on

I got a house on a hill, I got hogs all out on in the mud
I got a house on a hill, I got hogs out lying in the mud
Got a long haired woman, she got royal Indian blood

Everybody get ready lift up your glasses and sing
Everybody get ready to lift up your glasses and sing
Well, I'm standin' on the table, I'm proposing a toast to the King

Well I'm drivin' in the flats in a Cadillac car
The girls all say, You're a worn out star
My pockets are loaded and I'm spending every dime
How can you say you love someone else when you know it's me all the time?

Well, the fog's so thick you can't spy the land
The fog is so thick that you can't even spy the land
What good are you anyway, if you can't stand up to some old businessman?

Wedding bells ringin', the choir is beginning to sing
Yes, the wedding bells are ringing and the choir is beginning to sing
What looks good in the day, at night is another thing

She's looking into my eyes, she's holding my hand
She's looking into my eyes, she's holding my hand
She says, You can't repeat the past. I say, You can't? What do you mean, you can't? Of course you can.

Where do you come from? Where do you go?
Sorry that's nothin' you would need to know
Well, my back has been to the wall for so long, it seems like it's stuck
Why don't you break my heart one more time just for good luck

I got eight carburetors, boys I'm using 'em all
Well, I got eight carburetors and boys, I'm using 'em all
I'm short on gas, my motor's starting to stall

My dogs are barking, there must be someone around
My dogs are barking, there must be someone around
I got my hammer ringin', pretty baby, but the nails ain't goin' down

You got something to say, speak or hold your peace
Well, you got something to say, speak now or hold your peace
If it's information you want you can go get it from the police

Politician got on his jogging shoes
He must be running for office, got no time to lose
He been suckin' the blood out of the genius of generosity
You been rolling your eyes you been teasing me

Standing by God's river, my soul is beginnin' to shake
Standing by God's river, my soul is beginnin' to shake
I'm countin' on you love, to give me a break

Well, I'm leaving in the morning as soon as the dark clouds lift
Yes, I'm leaving in the morning just as soon as the dark clouds lift
Gonna break the roof in set fire to the place as a parting gift

Summer days, summer nights are gone
Summer days, summer nights are gone
I know a place where there's still somethin' going on

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Bob Dylan, nato con il nome di Robert Allen Zimmerman (Duluth, 24 maggio 1941), è un cantautore e compositore statunitense. Distintosi anche come scrittore, poeta, pittore, attore e conduttore radiofonico, è una delle più importanti figure degli ultimi cinquant'anni nel campo musicale, in quello della cultura popolare e della letteratura. La maggior parte delle sue canzoni più conosciute risale agli anni sessanta, quando l'artista si è posto come figura chiave del movement, il movimento di protesta americano. Canzoni come Blowin' in the Wind e The Times They Are A-Changin' sono diventate gli inni dei movimenti pacifisti e per i diritti civili. I testi delle sue prime canzoni affrontano temi politici, sociali e filosofici, e risentono di influenze letterarie, sfidando le convenzioni della musica pop e appellandosi alla controcultura del tempo. Nel corso degli anni Dylan ha ampliato e personalizzato il suo stile musicale arrivando a toccare molti generi diversi come country/b

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