Joe Budden

Songtext Stuck in the moment Joe Budden


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Stuck in the moment

[Verse 1: Joe Budden]
When the night falls, and the smoke clears
Millions of miles away, yet they so near
I remember memories, so I'm never lead astray
When tomorrow comes I know it's only due to yesterday
Without a boundary, check my latitute
New attitude, see I'm grateful for having grattitude
I'm not complacent, but got no regrets
Few hatin' niggas want to see me regress
Deep breath, life is too short for me to be stressed
Interpret ice grillin' as their way of sayin "he's blessed"
You wanna hate, I got my own show, be my guest
Remember doctors used to tell me I was depressed
At the time was dating a model with double d chest
Till I thought, then she laughed that shit off and said these's F's
Before I bought my first gun, was already armed
Teach you 'bout coof, little bit of class heavy charm
Used to get my laughs, for a nice chain, heavy charm
High school drop out, but went to every prom
Now everyone I went to high school with
Now they 30 years plus still on some high school shit
Seems like all the fly niggas, and bitches that was well off
Is junk head high niggas, all the bitches fell off
From surgery, rappin' to niggas that never heard of me
Burglaries, dappin up niggas that want to murder me
If you're close minded, I call that an emergency
Blind fold yourself as if there's nothin more to further see
Honestly that's absurd to me
If the sky is the limit then where's the urgency
I embrace life, I'm so carefree
But I won't judge y'all, if you don't care to be
Just know no matter who you are, the right system
Can turn a role player into a superstar
I'm talking rock bottom, a whole 'nother teir
Stuck in the moment made me move to a whole 'nother year
How'd I become straight forward, no baggage
Y'all can run from the past, I'm a make my way towards it like
Nigga I remember stage fright
Back when I didn't know if I could rock the stage right
Who knew I'd end up being the nicest
My point, hard to come up short when shit is priceless
Hard to come up short when shit is priceless

[Hook: Emanny]
I can't explain it, I just gotta embrace it
But something got me feeling this way
Instead of running, I'm waiting here for it
Cause nothin ever felt this great
I'm stuck in the moment
Stuck in the moment, the moment
Stuck in the moment, the moment
Stuck in the moment

[Verse 2: Joe Budden]
I say this with all certainty
People wanting the worst for me
Gotta wait in a long line, it's not a first for me
Most of my defects have been put in my past
If you only see what I have than you overlooking my path
If you knew about my hardships and my blood shared
It'll speak for itself and that's enough said
I carry heavy weight, who wanna try and bear it
Hope that lesson daily if you wonder why I share it
Being stuck in the moment never appealed to me
You ain't lived my life so you can't imagine how real it be
I'm tlaking about the long haul, put me on a high pedestal
Better be prepared to watch a long fall
So the trampoline I adore
Dog, some moments you'd rather forget because they scare you
I lock on them shits like a pit they just prepare you
Photographic memory of Deja Vu
The way I do, whatever I say I do
Nigga built for it tough, show facades what talent is
Get it different view you ain't gotta dodge challenges
Emotional rollercoasters, Vivian Green, every event lead to live in dream
Or do I live in a dream, there's no such thing as a crisis
My point can't come up short when shit is priceless


I've been through the struggle,
Been through the hustle
But never did it bring me down
I don't know where I'm going
But all I know is, I'm stuck in the moment
Maybe I've been here before
But I've seen the little changes
Don't know what life has in store
But I'm prepared to embrace it


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