Justin Moore

Songtext Stray dogs Justin Moore


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Stray dogs

I don't fit in your box
That's just too bad, man
I don't apologize for who I ain't or who I am
I don't give a damn 'bout your give a damn

I'm a little more stray dog
A little found, little lost cause
My wins have been hard fought
I don't bark, I just bite
Put my money on the dark horse
Put my faith in the good Lord
Pray to Him I get one more day
When I lay my head down at night

You can padlock the door, tie me up on the porch
Chain me up, I'll break that chain, y'all
I'm the wild and free kind of breed
That'll always be
Running with the stray dogs

I've been know to howl at a full moon
Ain't scared to show my teeth
If you think I'll ever back down
You're barking up the wrong tree
You better watch that ass
When I pin these ears back

I'm a little more stray dog
A little found, little lost cause
My wins have been hard fought
I don't bark, I just bite
Put my money on the dark horse
Put my faith in the good Lord
Pray to Him I get one more day
When I lay my head down at night

You can padlock the door, tie me up on the porch
Chain me up, I'll break that chain, y'all
I'm the wild and free kind of breed
That'll always be
Running with the stray dogs

Yeah, yeah, yeah, stray dogs

Been asked my whole life what I'm running from
With that out crowd motley crew
But it ain't about what I'm running from
It's about what I'm running to

I'm a little more stray dog
A little found, little lost cause
My wins have been hard fought
I don't bark, I just bite
Put my money on the dark horse
Put my faith in the good Lord
Pray to Him I get one more day
When I lay my head down at night

You can padlock the door, tie me up on the porch
Chain me up, I'll break that chain, y'all
I'm the wild and free kind of breed
That'll always be
Running with the stray dogs

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Justin Cole Moore (born March 30, 1984 in Poyen, Arkansas) is an American country music singer and songwriter. Signed to the Valory Music Group in 2008, Moore charted that year with his single "Back That Thing Up", a Top 40 hit on the Billboard Hot Country Songs charts. Following it was "Small Town USA," his second chart entry and first Number One hit. His third single is "Backwoods", which is Moore's second Top 10 hit. All three singles are included on his self-titled debut album, which was released on August 11, 2009.

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