
Songtext Spiritual law D.I.


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Spiritual law

Get down on your knees
and pray
Clasp your hands
and start to play
It's time to be born again
Don't go to mass
It's a sin
Confess your evil to the man
He'll do everything he can
Don't go to mass, you'll go to hell
We'll all be there, it'll be swell
Telling you the way
So you don't perish
You won't survive
You're being sucked up into the magical church
This way, this way
It's too late, you're addicted
The mind control yourself
Kick that bottle right off the shelf
The word drop now
Spiritual Laws
Spiritual Laws
Go burn our Rosaries
Holly water makes me bleed
Attach that cross to right to my head
It may burn, but it won't be dead
It's such a game
Seen better shows, on my TV
They say the world is winding up
Satan's fire is burning up
They all be holding their breath
You'll die just like the rest
Nowhere to run and hide
Try to get away, you'll be fine
You've only got one chance left
On your knees, sip that wine, chew the wafer
Everything's blank
Am I alive or dead
People screaming, can I be dreaming
Am I confused
I can't tell whether this is heaven...or hell
Won't they live, and the sound of a silver bell
Up on my feet
I think it's over now
The air is stiff
The smell of death is everywhere
It's all around
But I won't submit to death
You can go with the rest of the world it's all death
Even good will pump yourself
Can't take your money with you boys
Let'em go with out their toys
Up or down it's just a job
You have that new grave hero
Filling the pew
Go ahead and tell me
Tell me the truth
It's time to congregate
The mindless sheep, don't be late
Fill the rooms, fill the halls
You'll be slammed up to the walls
Close your minds like fools
Tanning outside daddy's pool
Can people dig their own grave
They are ready, now their slave
It's time to congregate
The mindless sheep, don't be late
Fill the rooms, fill the halls
You'll be slammed up to the walls
Close your minds like fools
Tanning outside your daddy's pool
Come dig their own grave
They are now without their slave
Spiritual Laws, no way
I want to see Christ today
Spiritual Laws, no way
I want to see Christ today
Spiritual Laws, no way
I want to see Christ today
Spiritual law, no way
Spiritual law

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D.I. is a group formed in 1982. Their discography includes On the Western Front, Team Goon, Horse Bites Dog Cries, Ancient Artifacts and What Good Is Grief to a God?. The band has had members Casey Royer and Rikk Agnew. Their most popular genres are Alternative Rock and Hardcore Punk.

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