Benny (Rapper)

Songtext Spineless Benny (Rapper)


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Der musikalische text SPINELESS von BENNY (RAPPER) ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Trust the sopranos (2021)

Trust the sopranos



This shit only for us (These niggas don't know what none of this shit 'bout)
You know who you is, nigga (You know what I have to do for this shit, nigga?), yo

They surprised I visit my block still, gangster shit, you know how I feel
I'll have you duckin' hot shells, say they rich, how can I tell?
Try to put my homies on game, it feel like I failed
I'm tryna put us on the top shelf, nigga, and not jail
I'm the one they locked in that cell, still, I did not tell
Came through feelin' like L, the flow that rock bells
They don't gotta give us our credit, we proud of ourselves
My daughters won't grow up like me, we fathered ourselves
This the type of shit that I'm really on
Forgive me for fallin' out with friends I got too busy for
Make me take the Rollie off, put the Richard Millie on
This that respect you get when you put your city on, nigga
And I'm countin' all the cash I could take, y'all at the bank
I got a half a million dollar cash stashed out of state
This for my one dawg that got a case
I Christmas shop for your kids, get you a biz when you max out your date, ah

Amazing thing about snakes is that they reproduce spontaneously
What do you mean?
They have both male and female sex organs
That's why somebody you don't trust you call a snake
How can you trust a guy who can literally go fuck themselves?
Don't you think that expression would come from the Adam and Eve story?
When the snake tempted Eve to bite the apple?
Hey, snakes were fucking themselves long before Adam and Eve showed up, T

I'm tryna hang it up but the street's callin'
My man, he told the plug we need drugs but he see-sawin', I'm free fallin'
Keep it real brief when I draw, I call that free ballin'
You ain't got time to keep score if you're gon' keep scorin'
Older niggas thought I was Peter Barnes
I used to keep half a brick inside of a VCR (Facts)
Downstate, I made the biggest niggas just leave the yard
They wouldn't give me space so I can shine and be a star, delete ya bars
Can't pay the plug if you broke, dawg
You'll never be a menace in these streets if you owe dawg
Hear me out, you can't pay attention at no cost, just clear the house
That name that you mentioned is folklore, the coke raw
Got it out the mud
Your cabinet is bare because you shoutin' out the cubs
You jabbin' at the air like Tre poutin' 'bout a hub
Watch who you love
Because it'll never be a stranger that spill your blood, nigga

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