Chance The Rapper

Songtext Somewhere in paradise Chance The Rapper


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Der musikalische text SOMEWHERE IN PARADISE von CHANCE THE RAPPER ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Somewhere in paradise (2017)

Somewhere in paradise


Somewhere in paradise

I believe that if I fly
(I'll prolly end up somewhere in paradise)
I believe that if I fly
(I'll prolly end up somewhere in paradise)

Chancelor the rapper, Chatham the hood
Sin of the children, had to bag up the goods
They say I'm saving my city, say I'm staying for good
They screaming Chano for mayor, I'm thinking maybe I should
Fucked a few A&R's, told 'em bitch I can't wife you
Told your ass since day one, I don't like like labels or titles
I'm a rascally rabbit, I know that tricks is for addicts
That need fixes for habits, along with carrots and cabbage
I'm a savage, established bad bitch magnet, I'm magic
Your majesty, I'm majestic, I think my message is massive
Think you passive aggressive, I think you passed up your prime
Think you passed up your chance to be Chance now pass it to A-Rap
I should have rhymed it with rhyme ain't we been here before
Ain't my principal told me that I can't rap at that show
Then I rapped at that show, simple as that
Got a complex from Complex off of the simplest raps
And it goes!
Feelin' the fire, hands is up higher
Cannot believe it, damn I'm a rider
Riding on twenties, twenty years prior, I couldn't buy a
Forget it you get it, God is so awesome, devil's a liar
Take ?em to church but I need a choir

I believe that if I fly
(I'll prolly end up somewhere in paradise)
I believe that if I fly
(I'll prolly end up somewhere in paradise)

Blow out your speakers, roll some more loud
That's the sound of the reefer, I think my parents is proud
Thank my fans in the bleachers, think my teachers need features
I think I'm walking with Jesus, I knew my feet wouldn't drown
I been close to the edge, I been tripping and stuff
Somebody slipped me a mickey, but I ain't giving a fuck
Really, a milli, how ?bout six billion more
Or I'm outie like how'd he cut that umbilical cord
As I smoke herb in this Uber suburban dressed in an Urban Outfitters
Shirt and burgundy pair of Jordans
I asked the acid if words were worth worrying over
Her explanation seemed agitated
She said let me answer your question with some questions questioning yours
Like why the devil can't get you?
And why these labels can't catch you?
And why'd he make you so special, why did he bless you?
Think about it

I woke up this morning...
I woke up this morning...
Gotta smile when I say that shit, I woke up this morning

Feelin' the fire, hands is up higher
Cannot believe it, damn I'm a rider
Riding on twenties, twenty years prior, I couldn't buy a
Forget it you get it, God is so awesome, devil's a liar
Take ?em to church but I need a choir

I believe, I believe, there's somewhere out there for us all, there's a paradise (there is a paradise)
I believe that if I die, I'll see my homies somewhere in paradise
(I'll see 'em somewhere in paradise)

Feelin' the fire, hands is up higher
Cannot believe it, damn I'm a rider
Riding on twenties, twenty years prior, I couldn't buy a
Forget it you get it, God is so awesome, devil's a liar
Take ?em to church but I need a choir

I believe, I believe, I believe
Somewhere in paradise
I believe, I believe, I believe
Somewhere in paradise
I believe, I believe, I believe

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