David Bowie

Songtext Something in the air David Bowie


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Something in the air


Your coat and hat are gone
I really can't look at your little empty shelf
A ragged teddy bear
It feels like we never had a chance
Don't look me in the eye

We lay in each others arms
But the room is just an empty space
I guess we lived it out
Something in the air
We smiled too fast
then can't think of a thing to say

Lived with the best times
Left with the worst
I've danced with you too long
Nothing left to say

Let's take what we can
I know you hold your head up high
We've raced for the last time
A place of no return

And there's something in the air
Something in my eye
I've danced with you too long
Something in the air
Something in my eye

Abracadoo I lose you
We can't avoid the clash
The big mistake
Now we're gona pay and pay
The sentence of our lives
Can't believe I'm asking you to go

We used what we could
To get the things we want
But we lost each other on the way
I guess you know I never wanted
anyone more than you

Lived all our best times
Left with the worst
I've danced with you to long
Say what you will

But there's something in the air
Raced for the last time
Well I know you hold your head up high
There's nothing we have to say
There's nothing in my eyes
But there's something in the air
Something in my eye
I've danced with you too long
There's something I have to say
There's something in the air
Something in my eye
I've danced with you too long

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David Bowie (pronunciato [ˈboʊi] in inglese), pseudonimo di David Robert Jones (Brixton, 8 gennaio 1947) è un cantante, polistrumentista e attore britannico. Attivo dalla metà degli anni sessanta, Bowie ha attraversato cinque decenni nella musica rock, reinventando nel tempo il suo stile e la sua immagine e creando personaggi come Ziggy Stardust, Halloween Jack e The Thin White Duke (noto in Italia come il Duca Bianco). Dal folk acustico all'elettronica, passando attraverso il glam rock, il soul e il krautrock, David Bowie ha lasciato tracce che hanno influenzato molti artisti. Come attore, dopo alcune piccole apparizioni ha avuto un buon successo nel 1976 come protagonista del film di fantascienza L'uomo che cadde sulla Terra di Nicholas Roeg. Tra le sue interpretazioni più note si ricordano Furyo (Merry Christmas Mr. Lawrence) di Nagisa Oshima del 1983, Absolute Beginners e Labyrinth del 1986 e Basquiat di Julian Schnabel del 1996 nel quale interpreta il ruolo di Andy

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