Brett Eldredge

Songtext Somethin' i'm good at Brett Eldredge


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Somethin' i'm good at

I'm a real bad liar, I'm a burnt toast kinda guy
And if I try to build a fire I'll burn the woods
I ain't a mover or a shaker, can't keep up with the pacer
Never met a dancefloor that ever did me any good

I can't change the world, no I can't change a flat
If you give me your heart, girl, well, you may never get it back
You said you'd never smile again, but oh no, here it comes
Would you look at that?
I finally found somethin' I'm good at

I got a poor sense of direction, sometimes too strong of affection
For a whiskey made in Lynchburg, Tennessee
If there's a hole in my boat son, you bet that's all she wrote
I'm a Titanic sinking down into that deep blue sea

I can't change the world, no I can't change a flat
If you give me your heart, girl, well, you may never get it back
You said you'd never smile again, but oh no, here it comes
Would you look at that?
I finally found somethin' I'm good at

Damn you're lookerYou're the cane and the sugar
Jiffy Pop in the cooker
You're the author of the book
That I'm reading
You're the moon, you're the sky
You're the apple of my eye
Make me laugh till I cry
Till I think I'm gonna die
Turn me upside down
Spin me around
Spend all money on you all over this town

I can't change the world, no I can't change a flat
If you give me your heart, girl, well, you may never get it back
You said you'd never smile again, but oh no, here it comes
Would you look at that? (Would you look at that?)
I finally found somethin' I'm really good at
You thought it was over

Oh my mine
I'm such a lucky guy
You got me tongue tied
Like Jekyll & Hyde
I'm coming undone
I'm born to run
I got my shades on
Here comes the sun
All cotton pickin'
My tick tocks tickin'
I love I'm stricken'
I'm flip flop flippin'
I'm 'bout to cuss
Son of a bus
I can't stop singin'
I'm havin' way too much fun

I can't change the world, no I can't change a flat
If you give me your heart, girl, well, you may never get it back
You said you'd never smile again, but oh no, here it comes
Would you look at that?
I finally found somethin' I'm so good at


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