Lil Duke

Songtext So long Lil Duke


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So long

(Run that back, Turbo)

Only way you gon' get rich, you gotta have the right mind
Staying on my grizzy, get that money where I reside
Came from out the mud, I had to see the bright side
Nigga play, it's guaranteed we knock his lights out
I waited on my time so long (Time so long)
I waited on my time so long
Ride with my niggas if they right or wrong (They right or wrong)
Ride with my niggas right or wrong

We living on the water while they living in the moment
(living on the water while they living in the moment)
Jumped right on the boat, I had 'em serving Benihana
He thought h? don't leave with all thes? snakes and anacondas
I ain't have shit, back then I was in a hustle
Then I got back to that bag, I had to take care of my mama
Screaming gang gang, shit, we 'bout to take over the summer
I been way too humble, I ain't taking no more fumbles

Ayy, modern-day nino, I don't do not telling
We got everything since they wanna know what we selling
Younging real reckless, we the real steppers
Extended clip how I kept it, make me feel better
Love it when it's cold outside, this that kill weather
Foenem know I keep it, tuck it, bust it if they try
Heard an opp had died, fuck him, fuck the other side
Had to tell 'em it's a couple real niggas left and we them niggas
[?] was real good, it made me reconsider
Niggas want some smoke, thinking 'bout who I'm gon' eat for dinner
She left you and came sucked on a winner
[Chorus: Lil Duke & Gunna]
Only way you gon' get rich, you gotta have the right mind
Staying on my grizzy, get that money where I reside
Came from out the mud, I had to see the bright side
Nigga play, it's guaranteed we knock his lights out
I waited on my time so long (Time so long)
I waited on my time so long
Ride with my niggas if they right or wrong (They right or wrong)
Ride with my niggas right or wrong

[?] my hood was full of crime
Probably told myself I would get rich ten thousand times
Hood politics, my trap exist two thousand bands a pound
Slide on [?] in a hearse, my hood ain't saving lives
My hood ain't saving lives
I kept this shit so long, they only gon' know what I tell 'em
We built this shit together, we underneath one umbrella
We real rap, where was you [?]
They freed Yak, 'bout to free Jack and I'm feeling better
This street life, we turned the studio to a show
Yeah, I been that guy, back in high school I'm kicking Margiela
Look him in the eye, see if he tough and gon' pull the trigger
Just a prototype, playing, portraying, he ain't a killer

Only way you gon' get rich, you gotta have the right mind
Staying on my grizzy, get that money where I reside
Came from out the mud, I had to see the bright side
Nigga play, it's guaranteed we knock his lights out
I waited on my time so long (Time so long)
I waited on my time so long
Ride with my niggas if they right or wrong (They right or wrong)
Ride with my niggas right or wrong

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