Joe Budden

Songtext So hard Joe Budden


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So hard

What I mean is
I was tryina be on the same page with you
I want no miscommunication and none of that
Ya know what I mean?
(I need that magic)
It’s simple
Joe Budden

Ass fat but she eatin right, ketchup and whole foods
Fuck emotion, she the only thing I go through
I did some thinking fore the guard even approached you
Couldn’t beats the same, GD’s must already sold you
Movin like a stripper so I’m thinkin like a nigga though
I’ll treat you like a lady so you know how it feels
She want a pole in the room, I said one is already there
I just need you to test it out and let me know how it feels, now check it
You who I’m tryina build that canope with
Relax, good sick will make you lose your sanity quick
That beat hard enough to be your first round sanity pick
But I won’t be coming up off bread on some philanthropy shit
Fuck for a hour, I go shower, look good as fuck when she ladder
Got me using gas words like lavish
You rather me speakin cold, really I think it’s sexy
So when I say times are hard she know how to respond correctly

I see you on top, screaming don’t stop
Me – just glued to you
Touching on every spot
Things that I can get used to do
You make it so hard
You make it so hard
You got me so hard
Got me stryin, grab another rubber
You got me sayin (my dick hard as a motherfucker)

She said let it happen naturally, I ain’t force it
Practice control when she was feeling like I force it
Got a couple ex’s, you’ll go crazy so she lost it
The past is so foggy, well no wonder she’s exhausted
I guess the dum, that’s where the drama lies
A real nigga, I’d hate to see lil mama cry
I go up in it, she be shakin like she traumatized
Dick so hard it won’t bend, no it won’t compromise
I hit it from the back, that ass be sittin right
Almost wanna say I love you when I get inside
And I don’t think there’s a position that we didn’t try
Though we gotta be a couple that she wish we didn’t thrive
Sound moronic but she be on the Oxxy
Say even when it hurt it feel good so she don’t stop me
Call me on the horn to say your naughty thoughts are wrong
Anytime I send her pictures with balls shorts on

I see you on top, screaming don’t stop
Me – just glued to you
Touching on every spot
Things that I can get used to do
You make it so hard
You make it so hard
You got me so hard
Got me stryin, grab another rubber
You got me sayin (my dick hard as a motherfucker)

She keep a low pro, so subtle with it
So hard, probly why she having trouble with it
Uh, my baby far from a push around
And she don’t get it up unless you bout to put it down
We can make a movie if we wanted to
And a sequel, watching back to back, one or two
3 and 4, in every scene I be right under you
Cuz I love how you ride for yours, now tell me what you wanna do

I see you on top, screaming don’t stop
Me – just glued to you
Touching on every spot
Things that I can get used to do
You make it so hard
You make it so hard
You got me so hard
Got me stryin, grab another rubber
You got me sayin (my dick hard as a motherfucker)

Oh got me so hard
Aye eh aye
So, you got me so hard
Got me so hard oh
You got me so hard
So, you got me so hard
You got me so hard baby
You got me so hard
So, you got me so hard yea
Oh oh oh uh oh oh
You got me so, so hard
So hard

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