Chance The Rapper

Songtext Snowed in Chance The Rapper


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Snowed in

I'll be home for Christmas
Whether everybody say
I'll be right there on the sleigh, for you
I'll be home for Christmas
Fuck 'bout what they have to say
Pull up on you in the sleigh
No, you got them gifts for me (yeah, yeah)
Hope you do them tricks for me (yeah, yeah)
Know you on my list, shawty (yeah, yeah)
Roll up somethin', lift for me (yeah, yeah)
Baby every Christmas Eve
Won't be right, you next to me
Tell me you gon' ride on my sleigh
Whatever you wanna see
Can I be all that you need
Every year on Christmas Eve

Now we ain't got to hit the club
Know you cold, let's bundle up
I'm just tryna get some love
I hope it wasn't obvious
It's a white Christmas at the crib
Tryna get snowed inI'm gon' unwrap you while we lay
Go and show me what it is
Now we ain't got to hit the club
Know you cold, let's bundle up
I'm just tryna get some love
I hope it wasn't obvious
It's a white Christmas at the crib
Tryna get snowed in
I'm gon' unwrap you while we lay
Go and show me what it is

Where you at? Come slide
I could really use a ride
When the Uber has arrived
I won't even come inside
I just wanna catch a ride
Roll a wood, catch a vibe
We could have a silent night
Long as I'm up by your side

You won't need them boots or the furs
Give it to you proper, yes sir
Stay the night, baby here's a shirt
(I just need you next to me)
Let's get close and blame it all on the weather
Girl you know you deserve so much better
Let's make a snowman and ball together
(Every year on Christmas Eve)

Now we ain't got to hit the club
Know you cold, let's bundle up
I'm just tryna get some love
I hope it wasn't obvious
It's a white Christmas at the crib
Tryna get snowed in
I'm gon' unwrap you while we lay
Go and show me what it is
Now we ain't got to hit the club
Know you cold, let's bundle up
I'm just tryna get some love
I hope it wasn't obvious
It's a white Christmas at the crib
Tryna get snowed in
I'm gon' unwrap you while we lay
Go and show me what it is

Girl, you saying that's fresh
Tell me how you like my Santa hat
Good times that's how we take it back
With the Al Green up in a bag

I make her scream I'm Mr. Felcher
Yeah, while she cooking Hamburger Helper
She on the pole she Santa's helper

It ain't nothing no-one can tell her
Hey lil' mama in the pink
You would look good in a mink
They all say the same thing
All my exes say jinx
What you want, tryna link
Who are you tryin' to bring
They ain't even gotta change
Let her jingle in her jeans

Now we ain't got to hit the club
Know you cold, let's bundle up
I'm just tryna get some love
I hope it wasn't obvious
It's a white Christmas at the crib
Tryna get snowed in
I'm gon' unwrap you while we lay
Go and show me what it is
(Girl you slay, I love her)
Now we ain't got to hit the club
Know you cold, let's bundle up
(Baby you slay, I love her)
I'm just tryna get some love
I hope it wasn't obvious
(Girl you slay, I love her)
It's a white Christmas at the crib
Tryna get snowed in
(baby you slay, I love her)
I'm gon' unwrap you while we lay
Go and show me what it is
(Girl you slay, I love her)
(Baby you slay, I love her)
(Girl you slay, I love her)
(Baby you slay, I love her)

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