Waka Flocka Flame

Songtext Snakes Waka Flocka Flame


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They say Flocka trippin' shawty on that other shit
I keep the crowd jumpin' like I'm Kriss Kross, bitch
I ain't gone cross over, ain't rap nigga move over
They say I ain't gone make it so bitch, yeah I gotta show ya
Man I'm on in the hood for makin' that fucka bark
You know Flocka shoot first like John Stark
Forty nights, forty days no Noah's ark
If we was livin' in water I'd be a shark
I'm in the front, you in the back, like Rosa Parks
Got heart like Rosa Parks, ay where the fuck to start
Don't got the gun then I'mma use a dart
I fell in love with yellow diamonds since Gucci Bart
Bitch we shootin' over here no martial arts
Oh okay, man I'm finna go in man, real talk man
I got nigga knowledge yo girlfriend pussy got hella mileage
I’m a street nigga so middle finger to a college

They say snakes in the grass so I’mma cut this shit (Flocka)
All these girls want is cash so I can’t trust a bitch (No)
12, pull up, run fast, can't go to jail for shit (Vroom)
I got cars, ice, and hoes shawty I'm nigga rich (Woah)

They say snakes in the grass so I’mma cut this shit (Flocka)
All these girls want is cash so I can’t trust a bitch (No)
12, pull up, run fast, can't go to jail for shit (Vroom)
I got cars, ice, and hoes shawty I'm nigga rich

Cartier no watch
So high that, my ears pop
Right here, where that Lear drop
Hop out yeah, like that's hot
Now where the bread, I'mma need that boo
With it off the head, I'mma need like two
Nigga rich, what that make you
I'mma trigger chick, my belt my proof
Now what you want, I'mma shut this down
Nigga try to front, like I don't run this town
Nigga try to front, like I don't wreck this shit
Nigga hide the blunt, I smell the piff
While I'm tippin' corners, I'm rollin' with foreigners
My hoes be Brazilian, Sicilian, Honduras
Got bread to blow, gotta mean 16
Turn the camera on, I'mma rep my team
I'm making hits like back to back
Y'all cute and shit, y'all try to rap
Get stupid chick, how you tryna act
I'm stupid rich, no platinum plaques
I'm nigga rich, boy what you rep
No nigga business, no nigga checks

They say snakes in the grass so I’mma cut this shit (Flocka)
All these girls want is cash so I can’t trust a bitch (No)
12, pull up, run fast, can't go to jail for shit (Vroom)
I got cars, ice, and hoes shawty I'm nigga rich (Woah)

They say snakes in the grass so I’mma cut this shit (Flocka)
All these girls want is cash so I can’t trust a bitch (No)
12, pull up, run fast, can't go to jail for shit (Vroom)
I got cars, ice, and hoes shawty I'm nigga rich (Woah)

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Waka Flocka Flame is a performer. His discography includes Flockavelli.

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