Kodak Black

Songtext Slayed Kodak Black


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My nigga slayed a nigga, I just came from hanging with him
I don't know what really happened, I think he home invading him
You never catch me out here clapping unless they paid a nigga
Why the fuck I chase a bitch when I don't even chase the liquor
Hell yeah they call me Kodak but I ain't come to take no picture
So icy, make it blizzard, and the lean I'm sippin' sizzurp
Lil Wiz, they been kicking doors, I call that boy a wizard
Damn, I was textin' drivin', I looked up, I wrecked the fender
Wally say boy you better get her so I blitzed her
No time to waste, therefore if I get her I'ma hit her
My mama say, baby you a winner not a quitter
Well not today, ?cause mama soon as I hit her I'ma quit her
Cut the top with a scissor, turned my new car to a vert
I might need a new liver ?cause my body full of syrup
Kodak Black, but I'm smoking purp, thinkin' ?bout cheesy purp
Rest in peace, Wayne Head and Purp, them boys down to earth
She know I'm a beast at every angle, you can call me Kurt
Flipped her over by her ankles, locked her and she called me Kurt
She know I be getting to the paper, I be putting in work
Up the road, playing with the papers, yeah I got that work

I'm on that greedy shit, that fiendin' shit, I need a piece
I'm on that wreckless shit, that selfish shit, I'm playing for keeps
Money hungry, I can't smell bitch, I gotta eat
I keep that heavy metal just in case he tryna creep
I'm on that schemin' shit, you better give me everything
I'm on that teamin' shit, the devil know I keep that heat
You remind me of your bitch, I got you on your knees
Jeep Cherokee, I'm skiing with my dope boy wrist

Take his bag then smash, what uncle telling me
Dirty pistol, dirty mask, another felony
Rocks in my mouth, I spit ?em out when I was sellin' weed
Choppers was tryna take me out at only seventeen
9 Glock, body rock, this bitch hold 17
Mouth wet, pussy hot, she just was 17 (too young for me)
Cocaine under my nails, working this triple beam
No fingerprints on my shells, too sticky from the lean
I'm on that greedy shit, it's mine, I ain't gon' feed a bitch
Leave you leaking quick, one shot, one kill, Desert Eagle shit
I really got it out the mud, this ain't no freebie shit
Guess how I got all my muscle, from deleting shit
Hard on the pussy, no old lady, I just borrow the pussy
These niggas thugging for the gram, gon' record the pussy
Boy you remind me of your bitch, you a bitch
Your address supposed to be a nigga's ditch
Old pussy ass nigga

I'm on that greedy shit, that fiendin' shit, I need a piece
I'm on that wreckless shit, that selfish shit, I'm playing for keeps
Money hungry, I can't smell bitch, I gotta eat
I keep that heavy metal just in case he tryna creep
I'm on that schemin' shit, you better give me everything
I'm on that teamin' shit, the devil know I keep that heat
You remind me of your bitch, I got you on your knees
Jeep Cherokee, I'm skiing with my dope boy wrist

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