Waka Flocka Flame

Songtext Shootin Waka Flocka Flame


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Flocka, BSM
Three letters (You know, you know, nigga)

Shootin', I'm shootin', shootin', shootin' at you niggas
I'm shootin', I'm shootin', shootin' shootin' at you niggas
Shootin', I'm shootin', shootin', shootin' at you niggas
I'm shootin', I'm shootin', shootin' shootin' at you niggas
Ain't no motherfuckin' fightin', bitch I'm shootin' at these niggas
Ain't no motherfuckin' talkin', bitch I'm shootin' at these niggas
Shootin', I'm shootin', shootin', shootin' these niggas
I'm shootin', I'm shootin', shootin' shootin' at these niggas

Ain't no motherfuckin' fightin', bitch I'm shootin' at these niggas
Twenty minutes pass, still shootin' at these niggas
Bricksquad Monopoly bring the groupie out of niggas
Don't make me [?] shootin' at you bitches
Shootin' I'm too rich to fight
Niggas shootin', my whole clique get right, they shootin'
My bitch get right, she shootin'
Nigga fuck your life
Ball nigga presidential style broad day like
On sight nigga if you beefing with me
You the type to cop a plea go home and send a tweet
That ain't G, that ain't me
Shootin'. catch you slippin' one day, you gon' see
Chopper get to spittin, now it knock him off his feet
Creep through your window, catch a nigga while he sleep
I ain't talkin' Freddy Krueger when I say Elm Street
I'm back part 2, Flockavelli, I'm my own goon
I don't play bout me, I care bout me
Nigga talk bout me, I spray at him like (Shootin')
Real killers don't talk
Make a sound point blank range right between his eyes like
Real killers don't talk
Make a sound point blank range right between his eyes like

Shootin', I'm shootin', shootin', shootin' at you niggas
I'm shootin', I'm shootin', shootin' shootin' at you niggas
Shootin', I'm shootin', shootin', shootin' at you niggas
I'm shootin', I'm shootin', shootin' shootin' at you niggas
Ain't no motherfuckin' fightin', bitch I'm shootin' at these niggas
Ain't no motherfuckin' talkin', bitch I'm shootin' at these niggas
Shootin', I'm shootin', shootin', shootin' these niggas
I'm shootin', I'm shootin', shootin' shootin' at these niggas

Ain't no motherfuckin' hiding when I'm comin' for you nigga
Like a marching band get to drummin' at you nigga
One shot, two shot, three shot, four shot
Keep a pistol with me like a nerd to a laptop
Door kicked down, had 'em runnin' in your crack spot
Dope house, weed block
Money in the walls so I'm knockin' down your sheetrock
I was bagging weed back when Dre dropped Detox
Shooters out in Little Rock
I got shooters out in Memphis
I was raised by the old niggas, keep quiet, mind your business
I'm a menance like O-Dog
Real [?] 44 bulldog no shells nigga
I got shooters in Nebraska, out there they say neblastya
I got shooters in South Carolina that'll blast ya
Keep the door all black like a panther
Better pray when I not know an answer
Lemon squeeze on a rich nigga hammer
Real nigga last time I remember
Blow your thoughts out let's see what you remember
Real killers don't talk
Make a sound point blank range right between his eyes like
Real killers don't talk
Make a sound point blank range right between his eyes like

Shootin', I'm shootin', shootin', shootin' at you niggas
I'm shootin', I'm shootin', shootin' shootin' at you niggas
Shootin', I'm shootin', shootin', shootin' at you niggas
I'm shootin', I'm shootin', shootin' shootin' at you niggas
Ain't no motherfuckin' fightin', bitch I'm shootin' at these niggas
Ain't no motherfuckin' talkin', bitch I'm shootin' at these niggas
Shootin', I'm shootin', shootin', shootin' these niggas
I'm shootin', I'm shootin', shootin' shootin' at these niggas


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Waka Flocka Flame is a performer. His discography includes Flockavelli.

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