Theophilus London

Songtext She said ok Theophilus London


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She said ok

Lemme see ya titties
Lemme see ya titties
She said okay
Now, lemme see ya pussy
Lemme see ya pussy
She said okay

We at the freaknik affair, throw your money in the air
Let it rain, rain, let it rain down
She wanna skip the winter just to shake it in the summer
If I didn't show to your party homie that's a bummer
Strippers on the pole and they going up and down
I sip out my cup, cup to make me calm down
I'm a fly Brooklyn, bitch
But when I'm in Atlanta I be sticking ones in her thong, hit it with Bandanas
I'ma play that cat like it was played by Santana
Bitch I hit you up manana for a recap my hang up
My hang up, I'm a freak girl, watch me take a peak girl
Touching on your nipples mighty long take a seat girl
Wanna introduce you to my mighty long
And dance to songs it could take you all night longWhat you hiding in that dress? Curiosity is killing me
When we hit the stage tell them mark niggas you feeling me

Lemme see ya titties
Lemme see ya titties
She said okay
Now, lemme see ya pussy
Lemme see ya pussy
She said okay

(Yeah) Monday night, Atlanta, Georgia, they say all the hoes at Magic
See no I'm no David Copperfield but I'm sure I can pull a rabbit
See I'm adamant when I see something I want, I reach out and grab it
Like this cannabis that I'm blowing bust the package boy its cherry Kush
Uh stank ya smelly much
But this is the only hairy bush I would like to put my lips on
I like that pussy Brazilian waxed with the lips showin'
Tip toe in the high heels or her bare feet and she down for some major dick blowin'
How many licks does it take to get to the bottom of tootsie roll (Yup)
Pop goes the weasel when I explode in her mouth boy that's cold
'Er than Shaquille O'Neal from the free throw line
And I'm a peaceful person so she wanted to give me piece of mind
Now it appears that I am brain dead
My legs feel like Joe from Family Guy because she got insane head
Call me crazy but nowadays it seems like nothing is sacred
Oh well, I already got me somebody to play with

Lemme see ya titties
Lemme see ya titties
She said okay
Now, lemme see ya pussy
Lemme see ya pussy
She said okay

I just wanna give you all my time
If you are not done
Baby let me blow your mind, your mind
Oh your mind
Girl I want you to climb on top of me
Girl on top of me babe
Could you please let me see, let me see
Let me see

Lemme see ya titties
Lemme see ya titties
She said okay
Now, lemme see ya pussy (She let me)
Lemme see ya pussy
She said okay

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