
Songtext Screwdriver Prince


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Der musikalische text SCREWDRIVER von PRINCE ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Rock & roll love affair

Rock & roll love affair


Everyday when I wake up
I gotta make up a reason to make it last
Miss-mistake up, if we break up
We smash guitars and shatter glass
But till the day that we do
I’m your driver, you’re my screw

Everywhere that we go now
There’s a show now,
People ?ay money for the rock’n'roll
And the big wow, before we bow
You can call me C.C. crowd control
It you don’t want to it’s cool
(it’s cool)

I’m your driver,
Empty car on a fast lane
In the driving rain
I can make you swear that you did something
What you don’t know, won’t hurt you so
We got a long, long way to go
Might as well enjoy the view
(enjoy the view)
I’m your driver, you’re my screw
You said you were my screw

Sharing stories and cool clothes
And party toes,
This is what life is like on the road
Never too high, never too low
That’s the only way to go,
(only way to go)
But right now, without further adieu
I’m your driver, you’re my screw
I’m your driver, you’re my screw
I’m your driver, you’re my screw
(you’re my screw)
I’m your driver, you’re my screw
I’m your driver, you’re my screw

Counterclockwise, turn you round
All you got to do is listen to the sound
Music Never lies, you know it’s true
I ain’t even got to you know who
Forever’s worth its wait when it comes to love

I’m your driver, you’re my screw
I’m your driver, you’re my screw
I’m your driver, you’re my screw
I’m your driver, you’re my screw
I’m your driver, you’re my screw
Might as well enjoy the view
I’m your driver, you’re my screw

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Prince, nome d'arte di Prince Rogers Nelson (Minneapolis, 7 giugno 1958), è un cantautore, chitarrista, attore, regista e produttore discografico statunitense, molto popolare soprattutto negli anni ottanta e novanta. Musicista poliedrico, tra i suoi lavori si sentono espliciti riferimenti agli Earth, Wind & Fire a George Clinton a Stevie Wonder, in seguito a James Brown, Jimi Hendrix ai Beatles e Frank Zappa. La sua musica coinvolge diversi stili come funk, rock classico e pop, ma spesso si è confrontato anche con il rap e il rock sinfonico, producendo un crossover musicale molto apprezzato da fans e critici. Difficilmente un suo lavoro contiene un solo stile musicale, e questo gli permette di evitare il rischio di cadere nella ripetitività. Per tutti gli anni ottanta Prince preferì giocare con i giornalisti, inventando una serie di storie sulla sua infanzia ed adolescenza oppure mentendo sulla sua data di nascita. Per lungo tempo ha dichiarato di avere origini italiane, storia c

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