
Songtext Sammy and tex Savatage


Sammy and tex

Hey D.T. what you been up to
It's been a real long time
And your bill's past due
Stop right there
Don't you look away
'Cause you've had your fun
Now it's time to pay

Well you know that I've been waiting
And I'm really very patient
But you've pushed me way too far
'Cause you own me thirty thousand
And with interest it's been growing
While you've hidden in these bars

Now I would have said duck it
But then money by the bucket
I hear you're raking in
So please forgive my diction
And prepare for crucifixion
While I write your next of kin

So please don't turn away
You borrowed now you've got to pay
Seems your mind's
Gone a bit off track
Time to readjust
'Cause Sammy's back

So Sammy started dealing
D.T. started reeling
As they tumbled to the floor
The furniture was flying
D.T. had thought of dying
When Tex walked through the door
Now Tex wasn't waiting
And without hesitation
Grabbed Sammy by the throat
Sammy started shakin'
A frightened slab of bacon
Hanging like a coat

Seemed things were going all right
Till Sammy pulled a knife

"If you want to cut the cards
Sammy's gonna up the odds"

Then everything was quiet
A street after the riot
Silence hung like death
And Tex he wasn't breathing
His body lay bleeding
A knife inside his chest

When D.T. saw his friend there
He quickly lost his terror
As something tore inside
His face was clenched in hatred
As his mind formulated
How this pimp would die

Sammy saw it in his eyes
Thought a retreat would be wise

"Seems I've stayed
A bit too long
So I'll take my things
And Sammy's gone"

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Savatage was born in the suburbs of Tampa, Florida in the early 1980's—the product of two brothers, Jon Oliva (vocals and keyboards) and Criss Oliva (guitar) plus hard-hitting drummer Steve "Doc" Wacholz. Savatage quickly developed a loyal following throughout Florida, and in 1983, the band released its debut album, Sirens. The following year, Savatage signed to Atlantic records, and in 1985 they released their major-label debut, Power of the Night. Following the band's first significant tour, the lineup solidified with the addition of bassist Johnny Lee Middleton in late 1985.

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