Kodak Black

Songtext Running outta love Kodak Black


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Running outta love

I'm-I'm-I'm through with this shit, like
This shit ain't even workin', bae
This shit ain't gon' work, I ain't gon' lie to you
Murda on the beat so it's not nice
Like this shit that we got goin' on so rusty, dog, you can't even polish it
Like I ain't even gon' lie, bae, I don't see no future in us
I ain't like these other dudes, I'ma give this shit to you with no autotune, yeah
Fuck a slurpee I'm so smooth

Been runnin' out of love for you lately (out of L-O-V-E)
I don't wanna fuck wit' you no more (Baby I'm T-I-R-E-D)
I ain't got no hope in us baby (Ain't got no H-O-P-E)
It don't make no sense tryna hold on (Baby I'm tired, baby I'm tired, there ain't no we)
Been runnin' out of love for you lately (There ain't no hope, there ain't no us, there ain't no we)
I don't wanna fuck wit' you no more (There ain't no we)
I ain't got no hope in us baby (There ain't no we)
It don't make no sense tryna hold on

I've been runnin' out of reasons, right now I don't even care
I've been runnin' out of feeling, I been speedin' out of air
I don't know how the fuck I'm breathin' 'cause I'm runnin' out of breath
Got me runnin' out of love, I been runnin' out of air
I've been runnin' out of trust, you ain't worthy
Fell into some feelings now I'm dirty
Brush me off, dust it off
Shut your mouth, cut it out
I was kickin' in doors and runnin' out
That's the same way I'm runnin' out on you
Drinkin' my heart out, poured it out for you
I done even cut my homies out for you
I done even cut my buddies out for you
I done even cut my cousin out for you
Caught myself all gettin' soft
Caught myself like Randy Moss
I ain't got time I'm windin' out
Done did enough time, been in and out

Been runnin' out of love for you lately (out of L-O-V-E)
I don't wanna fuck wit' you no more (Baby I'm T-I-R-E-D)
I ain't got no hope in us baby (Ain't got no H-O-P-E)
It don't make no sense tryna hold on (Baby I'm tired, baby I'm tired, there ain't no we)
Been runnin' out of love for you lately (There ain't no hope, there ain't no us, there ain't no we)
I don't wanna fuck wit' you no more (There ain't no we)
I ain't got no hope in us baby (There ain't no we)
It don't make no sense tryna hold on

Keep tryna check my cellular
Girl you got me thinkin' 'bout branchin' off
Nah, this ain't her, you way off
Baby this Jake from Statefarm
Got too much fishes in this water
Too much fish to worry 'bout ya
Too much fish to fry a piranha
Rather make a song than argue
You wanna fuss until tomorrow
Leave me alone I'm droppin' a album
Blowin' me up, I'm droppin' a verse
Put my phone on "Do Not Disturb"
I've been runnin' out of love
I've been runnin' out of words
Tired of askin' you "What's the matter?"
'Cause matters gettin' worse
I'm 'bout to kick you to the curb, skrrt skrrt
Lately I ain't been in your skirt, skirt, skirt
You would rather ask [?] for a skirt
I'd rather pull up in a verse, skrrt skrrt
In traffic bent, I'm swerving
You flaggin', baby, you perkin'
I got a bag, but you can't get Birkin
We ain't lastin', this ain't workin'

Been runnin' out of love for you lately (out of L-O-V-E)
I don't wanna fuck wit' you no more (Baby I'm T-I-R-E-D)
I ain't got no hope in us baby (Ain't got no H-O-P-E)
It don't make no sense tryna hold on (Baby I'm tired. baby I'm tired, there ain't no we)
Been runnin' out of love for you lately (There ain't no hope, there ain't no us, there ain't no we)
I don't wanna fuck wit' you no more (There ain't no we)
I ain't got no hope in us baby (There ain't no we)
It don't make no sense tryna hold on

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