Dog Eat Dog

Songtext Rocky Dog Eat Dog


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Der musikalische text ROCKY von DOG EAT DOG ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Play games (1996)

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Youre just like the kid next door
Still too young and immature
You always seem to hang around
When youre not wanted youre always found

Why do you embarrass me
So everyone can see
Us duke it out on live tv

Hey rocky I hate to say
I wish you would just go away
Dont come back another day ok

What did you come here for
Dont wanna be insecure
Its about time that you went home
So go away leave me alone

(lead vocals by dave)

Step right in

Clap your hands
Stop your feet

Dog eat dog said to step right in
Dog eat dog said to step right out
Tell me son what the fuck is life about

We search this whole world for love, peace & harmony
But all we found was hate, deceit & jealousy
Dog eat dog so come and check the dialogue
Get your brain out of the fog
Vinny barbarino represent the sweathogs
All boro kings roadrunner catalog
You could run but you cant get far
No matter where you at, thats where you are

No matter where you from
Dont matter what you do
We got the bangin beats & you can all get some
Its like a rabid dog infecting you

Explosion Im moving like motion
Im gigantic I m deep as the atlantic ocean
Feel the force I strike with the iron cross
Youre the face of the pale horse
True indeed we plant the seed to infiltrate the
Whole world community
Were taking no slack its an all out attack
Cuz this time the rza let us hook the track
Word to God together on a mission so guard your
Tape deck were converting stereos
Ded and the rzarecta tell you one more time boy
Protect your neck

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Dog Eat Dog, an American band originally from Bergen County, New Jersey, began in 1990 as part of the hardcore music scenes of New York City and New Jersey. Dog Eat Dog was one of the earliest bands to fuse hardcore and rap, a style that would later become commonplace. Dog Eat Dog has achieved commercial success with singles such as "No Fronts", "Isms" and "Rocky" - all showcasing their unique blend of hardcore, heavy metal, saxophone and rap. After their first album, the band's sound has evolved with the incorporation of elements of funk, ska and hip hop.

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