Benny (Rapper)

Songtext Rivi Benny (Rapper)


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Der musikalische text RIVI von BENNY (RAPPER) ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Butcher on steroids (2017)

Butcher on steroids



Uhh, this that Butcher shit, nigga
This that Griselda shit
This that Daringer shit, nigga
Yeah, ayo this shit so big, it'll put a hole through you
You, you and the wall, nigga

Yo, look, uhh
I pray for niggas flippin' half ounces
One day they reach the point they carryin' duffle bags out of stash houses
We was cash counters, fast thousands
Had me pullin' glass out the pot, the water runnin' like Splash Mountain
I catch a lick, I won't brag 'bout it
I just show up in a mask with a Mag with bag 'round it (nigga)
Fuck a booth, you could get drag out it
Splashed Clicq' on my last outfit
The Benz off white, the Jag almond
Monopoly, I cop the whole board
We rock the (?), bought me a guage then chop the nose off
Was lock, nobody sent a postcard (fuck 'em)
I'm still a gangsta, serve food on the table I chop the coke on
I got your bitch rockin' slow songs
But we don't fuck, she just suck me off
And come to drop the dope off
I play the trap in a snow storm (facts)
With a brick, I made a stack every time they twist the doorknob
They talkin' bodies, but I doubt if they with it
This that Godfather flow that got Gotti acquitted
Spendin' money, fuckin' hotties, it get highly addictive
Lost my gun in a robbery, end up robbin' me with it (shit)
I miss the bodies on bodies, so you probably can get it
And catch fragments from the shottie just parleyin' with 'em
Back home, the streets cold, shit, God is my witness
Niggas even get smoked when they mindin' they bid'ness, uhh
Tell me why it's normal when blood spill in the streets? (why?)
Smirk on my face while the judge sentencin me
I remember when they kept drug dealin' discreet ('member that?)
Now it's like, you can buy drugs and get receipts
I'd face a RICO charge if these walls was talkin' (damn)
We cooked hard up to soft from a small apartment (word)
Seen it all, swear to God them halls still haunt me
I heard my brother got cut in the yard in Marcy
I'm feelin' guilty, cause maybe I misled him (sorry)
Is it fate? Every son my mom raised turned out a felon (facts)
They still her stay in school, but nah, that don't pay electric
It's funny how we say we trap just to make an exit
That's how you think when you hustlin', another hustler still vouchin' for me
They ain't forget, them niggas bought they first ounces from me
Yeah, whoa, I went and got a lawyer
My lawyer hired a lawyer and that one got an accountant for me
I'm stackin' boxes like UPS, a fan on the barrel to cool the TEC
I play the field just like Mookie Betts
She never call she only shoot me text
I fuck her once a week, but to me, that's Romeo and Juliet
The arm the Rollie on, I use it best
Whip a zip to a 44, the dopest raw is usually stretched
Y'all be tryin' to gas me, I'm too cocky 'round these rappers (yeah)
With the Buffalo gang unit got me down as active, motherfucker

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