Cris Cab

Songtext Rihann's gun Cris Cab


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Rihann's gun

This tune is called Rihanna's gun!
Wyclef, Cris Cab, all hands on deck ya hear me
We the best!
Lock the exits
You have awakened with sleeping giants
Wyclef, all hands on deck, Cris Cab wanna talk to the girls dem

[Verse 1: Cris Cab]
When a woman's fed up, your car gets keyed up
She'll call 911, and police they show up
They don't need no reason, to put you in prison
She gives the order... Rikers Island
I used to hold you in my arms
Now you're holding me at arms
Ticky, ticky, tock, then their starting the alarm
Yeah, there's a riot in the bedroom
And I don't know if I'm a make it alive or in the tomb
She shoot me one time, she shoot me two times
She shoot me three times, she shoot me four times
And it feels like I've been hit with Rihanna's gun!
Oh, one time
Oh, two times
Oh, three times
Oh, four times
And I never got the chance to apologize!

So baby girl, these are the roses
I picked them from your garden
I'm begging for your pardon
Please take me back in the morning!
Ye-ah, well these are the roses
I picked them from your garden
I'm begging for your pardon
Please take me back in the morning!

[Verse 2: Cris Cab]
She was talking, and talking, and talking, and talking, and talking to my heart
I know she was up to something when I saw her in the dark
Her hand was on the burner, and my things were in the yard
My hat, my shoes, my clothes, and my nylon string guitar
I told her that I loved her, but I guess it's not enough
She sliced up my tires, so I had to take the bus
I never would admit it, so she told me we were done
She said she found a paper with Stacy's number on the front
She shoot me one time, she shoot me two times
She shoot me three times, she shoot me four times
And it feels like I've been hit with Rihanna's gun!
Oh, one time
Oh, two times
Oh, three times
Oh, four times
And I never got the chance to apologize!

So baby girl, these are the roses
I picked them from your garden
I'm begging for your pardon
Please take me back in the morning!
Ye-ah, well these are the roses
I picked them from your garden
I'm begging for your pardon
Please take me back in the morning!

[Verse 3: Mavado]
Gal how could you ever do me this
When you did shoot, make you never did miss?
Sweet words from your damn pretty lips
And you shoot up the benz and take way me drist
You nuh see the gully life at stake
From you sleep in a bed with the snake
Get carried away by the sexy shape and me drop asleep and wake

She captured me
Without a fight
Well baby girl
It's quite alright
They say two wrongs, don't make it right
She say why you carry roses to a gun fight
And suddenly, I went outta sight

No guns, but roses
I picked them from your garden
I'm begging for your pardon
Please take me back in the morning!
Ye-ah, well these are the roses
I picked them from your garden
I'm begging for your pardon
Please take me back in the morning!
Rihanna's gun!

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