Tay Money

Songtext Ride around Tay Money


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Ride around

Tay Motherfucking Money, bitch
Okay, okay, okay
Your bitch look like no-kay
Okay, go Tay, Go

Ride around fucked up
Crown and coke in my cup
All my bitches stuck up
Face down ass up
Keep looking at my butt (what?)
Yo neck gone get stuck (what?)
Bad bitch is good luck
Bad bitch is good luck

Ride around fucked up
Crown and coke in my cup
All my bitches stuck up
Face down ass up
Keep looking at my butt (what?)
Yo neck gone get stuck (what?)
Bad bitch is good luck
Bad bitch is good luck
He gone, he gone sign a pre-nup
She could still get beat up
Call me Tay the Leader
The T stands for Tita
Wit’ your dude get eat up
Relax, Aqualina
She out every weekend
Turnt up for no reason
They tryna’ book Tay
They just another page, bitch
Get some more money, just another day bitch
If that girl had a problem, why she never say shit?
If my ex had a problem, why he tryna’ save shit?

Ride around fucked up
Crown and coke in my cup
All my bitches stuck up
Face down ass up
Keep looking at my butt (what?)
Yo neck gone get stuck (what?)
Bad bitch is good luck
Bad bitch is good luck

Ride around fucked up
Crown and coke in my cup
All my bitches stuck up
Face down ass up
Keep looking at my butt (what?)
Yo neck gone get stuck (what?)
Bad bitch is good luck
Bad bitch is good luck

This is for them shorties with them dollars
This is for them shorties that don’t need a baller
And we gone make it to the top, that’s on my mama
Money mission counting all this guala
This is for them shorties got that big booty
Dressed in Dolce and Gabbana
Open up the doors, aye it smell like marijuana
I remember they hopped on my shit back when I dropped “Nana”
And he want me to hop on top and ride it like Yokahama

Ride around fucked up
Crown and coke in my cup
All my bitches stuck up
Face down ass up
Keep looking at my butt (what?)
Yo neck gone get stuck (what?)
Bad bitch is good luck
Bad bitch is good luck
Ride around fucked up
Crown and coke in my cup
All my bitches stuck up
Face down ass up
Keep looking at my butt (what?)
Yo neck gone get stuck (what?)
Bad bitch is good luck
Bad bitch is good luck

OJ, whiskey, now he tryna’ tempt me
I got O’s like my name is Oprah Winfrey
Hold up, wait, why your boyfriend tryna’ tempt me?
I got OJ up, up, up, up in my whiskey

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