Aesop Rock

Songtext Rickety rackety Aesop Rock


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Der musikalische text RICKETY RACKETY von AESOP ROCK ist auch in dem Album vorhanden Fast cars, danger, fire and knives (2005)

Fast cars, danger, fire and knives


Rickety rackety

(feat. Camutao & El-P)

Aesop Rock

Smack dab in the middle of the cuddles and kills, guerilla jimmy city limits with a bucket of pills hollring 'no I don't immediately ameliorate 'em. I meet 'em, greet 'em, read 'em, and rate 'em, see if I hate 'em.'


Here come the hard rock bump through the speaker top. The tweeter meter blew code def hones in. I pack a lunchbox, walk to the stoning, jump into the chemicals sold in my zoning. I'm irrational, paranoid, tragic. And the button on my chest says 'panic'. Punch it, hold up, don't touch me. I'm a savage from a rabid ass country.

Camu Tao

Who want to get it? You all acquitted. You need to quit it. Getting evicted, you little idiot, pitching tickets. It's sorta tricky the way you wanna go get your digits. Body you up at the party, somebody get his mistress.

Aesop Rock

You take a pitch black lung and a purple heart, then you kick back once the inertia start. And when the shipwreck sunk through the perfect dark, the serpent's arch alerts every circled shark. See, bloody salt water sounds the h'ors d'oeuvres alarm, and when the first arm's found we observe the art. Like a belly-acher won't kick face to the curb, rather kick when the face already raped by the worms.


Tasmanian pain coast, ridin'. Very little to say to these politician behind it but this: you better loosen the noose or lose livin'. These little kids walking the ave. quick to produce a biscuit.

Camu Tao

Now you should medicate any area that the pain hits. And when you in the streets you should peep the sets of strangers. The actors that are in fact a cast of chaos. They be looking for any situation they can play on. Respectively injecting these thoughts, detain us. Negative speaking, they be creeping, they entertainers. When you out of data they run through a route that'll save ya. In retrospect, infect and pressing your papers.


I design kill pain cave penmanship. Federal analog hog unedited. With a CUNY degree in young numbness. Angels on the rooftop, gun in they trumpets.

Aesop Rock

I was buried to the neck in them all-start bloopers. Periscope down, hop Boss Hog cruiser. Porcelain or pewter authority wil be over ruled the second jukie uber alles news hit the sewers.

Rickety Rackety. This city fit my style exactly. With a backspin, and the fat laces, Gazelle glasses, chase rap daily. Rickety Rackety, this city fit my style exactly. Near the train tracks, in the garbage bags, where the cement cracks, we a part of that.

Camu Tao

When you take 2 to the vein, introduce 2 to the brain. You don't get used to the pain. A maniac bruising the cage. When cats rush you in the public you be like 'do it again'. He's a motherfucking bloodsucker, he can do what he can.


On the side of the block, do the bus stop. You paying a fare? That's a trust fund. Little ugly ass duck, life's a fun fuck. Too battered to rush, I walk punch drunk. And the whole world is yours now. Before the steppers are goosed kick your door down. I'm in the getaway whip with Aes Rizzle. He got the same shit stitched in his missles.

Aesop Rock

O.k. lefty field... stealth. Dressed to kill... self. Megawatt with a horizontal neck spin swim funny to vertical bobble head yes men.

Camu Tao

When the evil falls in it draws to the pours, it gnaws to the core. It's precedented that you represented a percentage that wasn't vintage and the crawlers hate us, you automated, we brought the flavors, niggas you ought to hate us.


This nerd rap is a bird trap, my words jap the ??? backstage and get they fur tapped. Little kids running with scissors want to check me. Accidents don't happen. Stupid plants come correctly.

Aesop Rock

Don't picket the misfit law, Nancy. The core's no picnic. Mislead whores advancing. No business. Insist lured with candy to cure citizen x with that all-rours dancing. Corporals landing ashore, all soar boned nitwit, rickety rackety porn fancy. Weave through the hell and high water hot zone, diseases in the minute the idiot got home.

Camu Tao

Now I'm a teacher, 1st grade, and I want to participate. I want to grade the papers but I don't want to give them A's. O.k. F, D, F-, test time, set timers, call every parent and give 'em a piece of my mind, shit. Cuz I don't want to give a good future, I'll shoot ya. Shoot ya? With an Uzi filled with rulers. Fuck minors, flush minds. Even leaving 'em bruised up. Stack kids, pack cute lunches in the cooler.

Rickety Rackety. This city fit my style exactly. Near the fire ladder, where the wires gather, drink water, eat fish, smile after. Rickety Rackety, this pussy fit my dick exactly. With a threesome, giving treatment, sex on drugs, girl you can't keep up

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