Big K.R.I.T.

Songtext Return of 4eva Big K.R.I.T.


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Return of 4eva

What a difference a day makes

It's the return of 4eva ho
Pimp tight world wide
It's the return of 4eva ho
Outer Space Enterprise
It's the return of 4eva ho
.Live from the live from the underground
It's the return of 4eva ho
I'm talking once upon a time in the south

It's the young K-R I-T
Mackin' hoes like niggas with perms and gold teeth
Candy paint, Caddie doors, high feel
Gator toe fetish with diamonds against the wheel
Like a pimp, never slack, never fold
Shake 'em up, break 'em, and slam 'em like dominoes
On the floor, vamonos, playa made
Replenishing these bitches with pimpin' like Gatorade
Tailor-made, super tight, Mr. B
Lookin' for a diva a to wide receiver a D
Touch down, outta sight, let it go
Comin' out hard

It's the return of 4eva ho
Pimp tight world wide
It's the return of 4eva ho
Outer Space Enterprise
It's the return of 4eva ho
Li...Live from the live from the underground
It's the return of 4eva ho
I'm talking once upon a time in the south

Well, it's Big Sant bitch and I'm a mob type figure
Comin' down on you hoes and you pussy ass niggas
Forever international, sipping sake with my Asian gal
My address is the winner's circle, you can hate me now
Hotter than my leather in the summer with the windows up
The word legend never get said 'less you mention us
My speech is mink, I want it all plus the kitchen sink
The whip white, time right, money green, pussy pink
Yeah. You can Google that. Think I'm lyin'
Baby cho's on my hoes, hoes polished just to shine
Add the blue blockers and gators and even Stevie could see
So look at me, motherfucker, look at me

It's the return of 4eva ho
Pimp tight world wide
It's the return of 4eva ho
Outer Space Enterprise
It's the return of 4eva ho
Li...Live from the live from the underground
It's the return of 4eva ho
I'm talking once upon a time in the south

Man I'm coming out harder than you could ever imagine
Paper stackin', breaking mics, livin' the fastest
I keep dimes on deck like a bank teller
Pimpin' so strong ain't shit that I can't tell her
You ain't even on my radar ho, I can't smell ya
Can't see ya, don't know ya, partna, so you ain't special
See we alumni, nigga, next level
See me on top of the food chain, no pressure

Now hold up, hold on, get with it bitch
Throw money like hot potatoes, can't wait to get rid of this
Emphasizing my emphasis, don't sleep on my lyricism
Glow like the moon and stars, shine like a billion prisms
See the vision clear as day, Randy Savage with my mouthpiece
Life coach, quite hard, lost hope, outreach
Plenty done it but none can measure to the bass and the treble
Of a mother fucking rebel

It's the return of 4eva ho
Pimp tight world wide
It's the return of 4eva ho
Outer Space Enterprise
It's the return of 4eva ho
Li...Live from the live from the underground
It's the return of 4eva ho
I'm talking once upon a time in the south

Sounds easy, doesn't it?

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