George Strait

Songtext Rent George Strait


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This song was written by our friend, Keith Gattis
An amazing songwriter, singer, and guitar slinger
We lost Keith way too soon
He wrote this song with another Texas legend, Guy Clark
Keith, we miss you, brother
But I know we're gonna see you again someday

He wore a sweat-stained open-road Stetson hat
A domino king from way on back
Jack of all trades with an old jon boat
And he spent his last days just making it float

And every now and then he'd pick me up
When he knew the water wouldn't be too rough
He was known for never saying too much
But we'd get in that boat and he'd open right up

He said, "The war took my brother
The good Lord took my mother
And the years, well, I don't know where they all went
Until that roll is called up yonder
All I can do is wonder
If I even did enough to make a dent
But I made a few good friends
And I always paid my rent"

Sometimes we'd just sit and laugh
About girls and dogs and friends we had
He said the gooduns are the hardest to come by
And I'd get him tell me 'bout the days gone by
He'd bait his hook, wipe his brow
Start resurrecting ups and downs
We'd drift offshore while the daylight burned
And I'd hang on to every word

He said, "I've done my share of living
Found a woman who was willing
And through the years I learned how to bend
Until that roll is called up yonder
I can't help but wonder
If I even did enough to make a dent
But I made a few good friends
And I always paid my rent

Last time I saw him he was moving slow
Said, "I ain't got much farther to go
But I'd like you to have this boat
Take her out and make her float
I can't tell you how to live your life
But if you find a good girl, hold on tight
Treat her good and pay your bills
Your friends will help you climb the hills"

He said, "That road is long and winding
When I look behind me
But I'd like to think that it was time well spent
Until that roll is called up yonder
I can't help but wonder
If I even did enough to make a dent
But I made a few good friends
And I always paid my rent

He wore a sweat-stained open-road Stetson hat
Was a domino king from way on back
Jack of all trades with an old jon boat
And he spent his last days just making it float

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