Frank Turner

Songtext Recovery Frank Turner



Blacking in and out in a strange flat in East London
Somebody I don't really know just gave me something
To Help settle me down and to stop me always thinking about you

And you know you're life is heading in a questionable direction
When you're up for days with strangers and you can't remember anything
Except the way you sounded when you told me you didn't know what I should do

Well, it's a long road out to recovery from here
A long way back to the light
A long road out to recovery from here
A long way to making it right

And so I wake up in the morning just like every other day
And just like every boring blues song I get swallowed by the pain
So I fumble for your figurein the darkness just to make it go away

But you're not lying there any longer and I know that that's my fault
So I've been crawling on the floor and I've been pounding on the walls
And I've been dipping in my darkness for serotonin boosters, cider and some kind of smelling salts

Well, it's a long road out to recovery from here
A long way back to the light
A long road out to recovery from here
A long way to making it right

So on the first night we met you sad well darling lets make a deal
If anybody ever asks us, let's just tell them that we met in jail
And that's the story that I'm sticking to like a stony faced accomplice
But tonight I need to hear some truth if I'm ever getting through this

Yeah, you once sent me a letter that said if you're lost at sea
Close your eyes and catch the tide my dear and only think of me
Well, darling now I'm sinking I'm as lost as lost can be
And I was hoping you could drag me broken, down and out to my recovery

If you could just give me a sign, just a subtle little glimmer
Some suggestion that you'd have me if I could only make me better
Then I would stand a little stronger as I walk a little taller all the time

Because I know you are a cynic but I think I can convince you
Because broken people can get better if they really want to
Or at least that's what I have to tell myself if I am hoping to survive

Well, it's a long road out to recovery from here
A long way back to the light
A long road out to recovery from here
A long way to making it right

So darling, sweet lover won't you help me to recover
Darling, sweet lover won't you help me to recover
Darling, sweet lover won't you help me to recover
Darling, sweet lover one day this will all be over

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