Figuero Jones

Songtext Records Figuero Jones


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Long nights attended, tensions suspended. right now i’m feeling you
All black and tinted, if i say it then i’m with it
Ain’t nobody pikachu
Wrong rights unended, didn’t have to go pretend it, girl i’m only weak with you
These songs i intended, to break a couple records, but baby won’t you sing too

I’m not gon cry, mary j bilge, but it’s hard everyday just looking out my window feelin low, pick up the pieces tweak my DNA like GMOs, im grown for this game, i’m bred to take a lethal blow, early in the morning money calling figuero, its so cold in the streets, i got the heat at home, never play with me dawg i got canines they got jaws fuck a peace treaty we just wanna take the whole
On the mic in the booth through the speaker tho, im coming in all ways like a seeker drone, imma need your hands up like the blues do, but what i’m about to do ain’t got nothing to do
Pop a bottle drop a bottle and we got some more, everyday is wavy yeah i know,
Imma free my bands up like my racks blue
Gotta be a grand up, if you want two
Judging my past i’m bout to break it down, shorty the coldest, word around, town seems like the most loneliest of places to me, sound feeling the holiest of places to be. i seen my first tooly when i was 13, life’s been feeling like a movie since i was just 3, pigs wanna come and do me cuz i got a beam, pops didn’t wanna know me thought i was a fiend
Oh momma my sweet dear mamma, fuck days my breath getting harder, i know you wish me the heavens but damn i’m still on earth, got to get these dead’s before they get me first
I’ve been just cooking here for so long, me and eriki got our names common me eriki got the same bond, we’ve been doing local hits before you suckers came on

Long nights attended, tensions suspended. right now i’m feeling you
All black and tinted, if i say it then i’m with it
Ain’t nobody pikachu
Wrong rights unended, didn’t have to go pretend it, girl i’m only weak with you
These songs i intended, to break a couple records, but baby won’t you sing too

All of these long nights i’ve spent with you
Ain’t nobody gon see you oh girl Wrong and the rights that we’ve made oh baby
All of these songs girl

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