Songtext Rap sucks ADAM AND ANDREW


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Rap sucks

I'm a rapper, and I'm capitalizing
On a no talent trend that'll never stop rising
I've committed 42 crimes but I've never been to the jails
I can still do my job even though I've killed all my brain cells
With the ciga-weed sticks before I write all my songs
During a 60 minute hit with a never empty bong
I got the hoes on my dick and the bitches on their knees
I have 18 kids and 3 dozen STDS
But I still keep it real with my homies on the street
Cause I've taken half of them and put them in my posse
They're all almost thirty but they dress like there 18
And they bob their heads to any sound like an empty-headed trained monkey
I only rap about drugs, porn, and man Fuck the police?
I gotta make up some words so that I can keep rhyming
I S to the iso U to the C-K
I dropped out of 8th grade and I'm making tons of money

Cause I'm a rapper, the whore talks back to me so I slap her
Then she falls unconsciously and I tap her
And you should be fed up and the green thing on my dick won't let me get up
Cause I'm a rapper, I live a life under smoke and full of laughter
The police see me and they wanna chase after
But they can never catch up cause my social status keeps me away from the cuffs.
I'm a role model, everybody should want to be like me cause I'm hot
With a strained, dazed glare and eyes that are blood shot
As you're hiding in your room jacking off in a sock
I gotta slut down on me with a package full of pop rocks
Lil Bow Wow's off the streets and his sales are getting higher
He's not even 14 and he's able to retire
Cause his life experiences enhance his lyrics
That can open your soul and raise your spirits
Lil Bow Wow what you say? ?You heard of me, had to
I'm that lil bad dude with JD
I'm the A in the hit, the prince of the click
What you think keep making Shorty have them fits
It's the B to the capital O-W Wow?
How can you not fall in love with that style
With all that soul, man Lil Bow you're a genius
I'm gonna have to name my next aborted fetus after you
And I'll write a song about it but you'll never hate me
And I'll use dull repetitive beats that I stole from slim shady
Who stole from Dr. Dre who copied MC HAMMER
And I never ever had to learn grammar

Cause I'm a rapper, the whore talks back to me so I slap her
Then she falls unconsciously and I tap her
And you should be fed up and the green thing on my dick won't let me get up
Cause I'm a rapper, I live a life under smoke and full of laughter
The police see me and they wanna chase after
But they can never catch up cause my social status keeps me away from the cuffs

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Adam and Andrew is a group. Their discography includes Music Pimp$.

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