One Be Lo

Songtext Propaganda One Be Lo


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Who got the props? Who got the props?
Magazines and Hollywood backdrops
Who got the props? Who got the props?
Radio and TV crews, it don't stop
Who got the props? Who got the props?
The internet, the newspaper snapshots
Who go the props? Who got the props?
Even in your schools and church, it don't stop

Aiyyo we deaf, dumb and blind in this world we live cause
we don't understand how they robbin and killin us
They got us watchin backs and lockin our front doors
'Specially time got 'em workin on your soul they come for
Disguise entertainment, psychological fund war
So many different channels and they usin to hunt yours
So turn off the box, watch the program stop
See how the X marks the block


Aiyyo, this is for inquirin minds that wanna know (know)Now OneBeLo got you double-checkin your info
You used to be the person gettin caught in the hype
Like if I read it in the paper then it gotta be news, right?
Or maybe CNN had you glued to the tube tight

Thinkin you was watchin the government's every move, right?
Stay tuned for props the helicopter crew's flight
Reported we saw it now the way to teach you new heights
So many programs you watch on the sofa
But the real programs sit on top of your shoulders (you)
Remote control your brain with all of this entertainment
Cable channels basic, you plug you in the Matrix
Face it, even cartoons and PlayStations
X-Box, target your tots with "X" ratings
Worse than Hollywood with that +Hidden Agenda+
No propaganda inserts didn't get censored
Same reason magazines show the homicide view
to desensitize you, so nothin surprise you
Portray the victim as those who victimize you
Despise you, religious extremes to terrorize you
Everywhere you go is the same old news, right?
And everything I mentioned get controlled by the Jews, right?
Freedom of press but if you try to confess
That's like a hungry fat man throwin steak in a food fight



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One Be Lo è un rapper statunitense dell'underground hip hop.. È noto per essere la metà del duo Binary Star, ma ha anche realizzato diversi album come solis

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