Trevor Hall

Songtext Proof of destruction Trevor Hall


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Proof of destruction

I place my hands in neutral
im sorry that they abuse ya
i pray for the sky to break
for you to escape into a new one
as to raise my flags while the soldiers load their mags
we need to stop the crys of the orphan callin for her dad
lets clean the slate, its never too late

you're leaving nothing for the youth
just the proof, of destruction

the doctors give the pills
but the pills dont have the will
to take the pain out of the brain
they just make the brain insane
and still they distribute the poison
it kills to create the voices
remember we finally silenced all of the violent noises
so oh now, the source needs to be found

you're leaving nothing for the youth
just the proof, of destruction
you're leaving nothing for the youth
just the proof, of destruction

violence is bringing us down
its bringin us six feet under ground
but we think we're alive and breathing
when we're talking we're actually screaming
whenever we make a change, things need to be rearranged
i dont want to live the rest of my life hiding in shame
and can you see the child's eyes, are you really that blind?

you're leaving nothing for the youth
just the proof, of destruction
you're leaving nothing for the youth
just the proof, of destruction
you're leaving nothing for the youth
just the proof, of destruction

sheva sheva sheva shambo
the war is finally over, all of the soldiers can go home
oh peace it speaks beneath the trees and leaves and now all the loving told
so ayo lalia wa ayo ali chrisma
we're working the love and all of the hearts of all the brothers and sisters
now that we're free to bow we finally found the war that comes from the winter

you're leaving nothing for the youth
just the proof, of destruction, of destruction
you're leaving nothing for the youth
just the proof, of destruction, of destruction
you're leaving nothing for the youth
just the proof, of destruction

today was the first day that the people wiped their tears
now that we found our home land we can finally live without fear
love it runs within our blood
we found the shelter our kingdom
all is welcome all can come, to a palace on the sun

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Trevor Hall is a performer. His discography includes Trevor Hall, Lace Up Your Shoes, The Rascals Have Returned and Trevor Hall Live.

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