
Songtext Power of the triforce Dragonforce


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Power of the triforce

See the legend rising from the gates of time
Now all feel the magic of the Master Sword

We need a hero
In the magical land of Hyrule
A hero feared by all ghosts and?ghouls
With?the?power to save?us from Ganons?dark force tonight
Fighting through the overworld fast as lightning
With the thunder and rain behind him
To the castle to crush the evil demons grasp tonight

For the Twilight Princess
And the Evil Priestess
For the lost treasure chest far beyond the sky

See the legend rising from the gates of time
Now all feel the magic of the Master Sword
Wisdom, courage, and the power unite
Now all feel the glory of the Master Sword
Power! Power! Power of the Triforce
Power! Power! Power of the Triforce
All feel the glory of the Master Sword raised high

Over lakes and mountains
The hooves of our horses pounding
The cries of our enemies sounding
The numbers of the dead pile high in the mire of mystery
Raging with the magic hammer invading
Break the chains of the Seven Maidens
Now the pyramids power destroyed by the lonely Cursed Fairy

In the swamp of evil
Find the ancient seal
With the light restored behold the golden key

See the legend rising from the gates of time
Now all feel the magic of the Master Sword
Wisdom, courage, and the power unite
Now all feel the glory of the Master Sword
Power! Power! Power of the Triforce
Power! Power! Power of the Triforce
All feel the glory of the Master Sword raised high

Dark wizards rise from dungeons down below
To the final battle now with Agahnim we go
Now we go

With the stones of power, at the mystic tree
With the green lands of Hyrule now freed
See our arrows fly, Ganons last defeat
And the stars awaken now forever free

See the legend rising from the gates of time
Now all feel the magic of the Master Sword
Wisdom, courage, and the power unite
Now all feel the glory of the Master Sword
Power! Power! Power of the Triforce
Power! Power! Power of the Triforce
All feel the glory of the Master Sword raised high

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DragonForce is a British power metal band formed in 1999. The current line-up ZP Theart (vocals) Dave Mackintosh (drums) Frederic Leclercq (bass) Vadim Pruzhanov (keyboards) and super-fast widdly-widdly axemen Herman Li and Sam Totman.

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