Robb Banks

Songtext Playz Robb Banks


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Der musikalische text PLAYZ von ROBB BANKS ist auch in dem Album vorhanden 2: pillz (2017)

2: pillz



Million off dope
I think I might be happy
You got some weed or something?
Uh uh uh uh
Uh uh uh uh
My nigga Moose
Ay, turn the autotune on
(Twenty stripper bitches to the room, we all date)
SSET, ah, ah

Twenty stripper bitches to the room, we all date
Bad hoes love to watch the SSET pop flavour
I'm on two pills, outer space, Darth Vader
You can fuck my bitch, I'll fuck your bitch, that's not my main one
I don't know your girl, but she heard I talk plays
2 Phone Kerr, I'm the coach, I talk plays
How you get that clout, iced out my mouth, I talk plays
Last night I fucked a bitch that sucked on my dick in 8th grade

Butt naked strippers biting on my pillow
'Fore you eat it, peel it, now they call me GriffithS-Class mission, your pussy stink, I smell it
These niggas gon' speak on your name, then smile to your face, I ain't with it
Nigga try to ride my wave, you got the keys, but you can't whip it
Wrist that's on her face, dressed like Spinelli, bitch I'm dripping
Fly in before I land, I ain't capping, I'm for real, bitch
Young nigga just here, weak, sipping on Karo, but we perscript it
Presidential, all my whips bulletproof
Rollie 30, plain jane, that's the oyster
Kurama with the rope chain who [?]
Dip it in ammonia like the diamonds lost the look
My old bitch a dub, can't believe I let you break my heart
I ain't ever want no fame, cool it, told me get the star
"Phone, you the main attraction, you ain't gotta hold your fire no more"
Never trust a nigga with my life, not again, I don't trust a soul

Twenty stripper bitches to the room, we all date
Bad hoes love to watch the SSET pop flavour
I'm on two pills, outer space, Darth Vader
You can fuck my bitch, I'll fuck your bitch, that's not my main one
I don't know your girl, but she heard I talk plays
Bad yellow, bad yellow bitch talk plays
Hop in a, hop in a whip, talk plays
Sucked on that, sucked on that dick, talk plays

Telly, telly, telly, telly, telly, telly, telly, telly
Lil nigga I telly, telly, telly, telly, telly, telly, telly, telly, telly, telly, telly, telly, telly, telly
Lil nigga I telly
Telly, telly, telly
Nah for real, telly, telly, telly, telly, telly, telly, telly, telly
Lil nigga I telly, telly, telly, telly, telly
Nah for real, telly, telly
Yeah, you dig, telly, telly
Yeah, I did
Lil nigga I telly, telly, telly, telly, telly

Hap- hap- happy
Hap- hap- happy
Hap- hap- happy
Hap- hap-

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