8Ball & Mjg

Songtext Pimpin' don't fail me now 8Ball & Mjg


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Pimpin' don't fail me now

[Jazze Pha- Chorus]

Pimpin' don't fail me now
I gotta turn these bitches out
Say they don't want nobody else
But me and only me
Pimpin' don't fail me now
I gotta turn these bitches out
Say they don't want nobody else
I gotta turn these bitches ooouuuttt


I'm about to turn you inside out
I'm about to look into your heart, through your mouth with my dick-o-scope
Been around the world, but you still can't picture no
Nigga like me, Pimp tight, the original... MJG
I'm the one who told a girl to find a trick nigga she can run to
Cry wit, hit the mall, buy shit, hate you
Thinkin' ima do it
You gonna really make me hate you
Prove sumthin, go out there and get it
Bring it back to me
Until then, you running yo mouth
You'se an act to me
You emotional bitches prolly can't stand me
But in the end, who the motherfuckin' man be?

[Jazze Pha- Chrous]


(Uh huh)
Is you somethin' like a balla, somethin' like a pimp?
(Uh huh)
It ain't no halfways, bitch I'm him
Been spending my last package, I'm done for the day
As soon as i'm done countin' up my ones, we can play
Don't know if you ever rolled with a G like this
Need you to be my other eyes when you in my shit
When you start actin' like a bitch, ima scream at...
But it ain't the situation here cuz I ain't seen that
My background messed up, I ain't a clean cat
But I fucks with you shorty, I really mean that
Holla at the homie if you ready to change
Your lifestyle
Cuz i'm livin in a differ-ent game (Off top)

[Jazze Pha- Chorus]


I spit flows
Like a pimp pimps hoes
32 o's and ain't none for my nose
The pinky and the wrist and the neck stay froze
The chest keep comin and i'm livin on a roll
I meet a bunch of women (Ya)
I meet a bunch of hoes (Ya)
I gotta bunch of friends (Ya)
I gotta bunch of foes (Ya)
Good nigga, hood nigga
Walk and talk real slow
Outside fat black, but the inside glow
Shorty don't choose
She the one gon' lose
Good girls beware, Fat Boy bad news
Cars and cribs and clothes and jewels
Mama say she love Big Boy, this one here for you (O!)

[Jazze Pha- Chorus] repeat until fade...

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