Main Flow

Songtext Perform around states Main Flow


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Perform around states

[Main Flow]
What I unleash though, iller than San Luis Obispo
Span-ish flow, roll up some leaf by the bistro
Honest at, on my way black
Moves for the monterey jack, no time to lay back, to sway that
You know the clips blow, while you tiptoe, eclipse flow
Ranked diplo, words to rip show, I hit yo
for cash crop, we gettin off at the last stop
Put on some Dead Prez shit, ready to blast cops
Spread sauce, {?} war like Red Cross
You're dead boss, go 'head floss suffer a fair loss
Prop pins, punchin your chin, Bernard Hopkins
Top tens, daily drop ins, liable to cop spins
Voice'll leave your ears with a heat rash
To reach past, each task, rhyme for the E class
And skate alleys, waist like Bally's, break to Cali
Locate the valleys, for one who battle state rallys

[Chorus x2: scratches collaged together]
"My proof is growin like pot seeds"
"We hate snakes" "perform around states"
"We collect marks" "we face crime"
"We protect hearts"

[Main Flow]
We travel shoulder ours, over styles, the rap nova child
Perhaps the older wild soldier that'll go the miles
Direct feeds connect cheese with neck speeds
Respect needs, so occasionally the tec bleeds
Tall witty crews, choose a far prettier noose
Car committee tools, small city blues
Sample kings trample bings, handful of Phillipines
Lampin with greens turn examples to fiends
With new line my crew dine in due time
A true climb, a few rhymes, a shoeshine
Girbaud slack, cover trends watch 'em grow back
Fans should know that, they hit the sand for the pro pack
Amigos that waste cops
Face ops, bank stops, replace flops
Waste block, where normally the gaze lock
Always cocked with the grace keeps the crates stocked


[Main Flow]
I got the brain for poker, puff L's like a chain smoker
Not your mayn broker, get up out my lane joker
Crook stacks, it's hard for me to look back
Continue foottracks to book fast the hook packed
Scarier mode, 5-0-3 area code
Bury your robe, flow down to carry a load
It's banned reaches, respects what my fam teaches
My man preaches so we all relax on sand beaches
Calm wind, plenty of sun, packs got plenty to run
Send me with some, crumbs for 21
For the ones who take chances, money in advances
Spill blood in ambulances
The live diss, for all of you sirens
Jump in your ride to this, hydro die bliss
High on your vibe sis, survival was missed
Survive on the twist, we're headed to a hop on the list


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Main Flow is a performer. His discography includes Hip Hopulation, Castle Diplomat C-Diplo, Castle Diplomat and Notebook Assassins. He is a member of Mood. His most popular genre is Hip-Hop.

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