Brother Ali

Songtext Pay them back Brother Ali


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Pay them back

Blood on beats

Tears have been shed
Lives have been lost
Blood has been spilled

Blood on beats

Damn, look at em sittin there, cats missin their chance
Pissin their pants for opportunities and disappear into a bar stool
Pardon you for thinkin I forgot about
The way that children act when the stars come out
It would be too much like right for them to tune up their sight and then
Pursue something tight within, the blue ugly life they're in
Liked your grimace but I must admit it's been a while
Since my outer adult disciplined your inner child
I've taught you the limits now when I crack your slumber
I expect you to say, "Thank you sir, can I have another?"
Your chance to wonder is up holler enough talkin
So they won't be caught off guard when I'm knockin the dust off em
Plus tossin em in a moshpit, my village sacrifices virgin rappers
Who don't do the Rites of Passage
Curl em backwards till they faces touch they asses
Mail em off to Paraguay and don't insure the package
Burned your vermin asses, learned your nervous habits
In turn my current status lefts serpents swervin backwards
I rock parties where half the crowd is rappers
And analyze my diction as if their opinion matters
I splatter patterns of poetic eloquence
Mutterin bone shudderin utterin sense, they fluter and twitch
The ironic part of it is, I ain't tryin to scare these kids
Just tryin to connect them to the heritage

Beneath the outer layer the train is black
You just don't disrespect the people that lay the tracks
You love this human expression and they gave you that
And so the least y'all can do is try and pay em back
I said beneath the outer layer the train is black
You just don't disrespect the people that lay the tracks
You love this human expression and they gave you that
And so the least y'all can do is try and pay em back

You ain't the first, you will not be the last
Do your shit, step the fuck off
You're not half as important as you think you are
Blood on beats
Blood on beats

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