Victoria Monet

Songtext Party girls Victoria Monet


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Party girls

Been a long time and now mi say this a big tune in all di world

No more backs on the wall (No)
Come pull me close to you (Rock)
Rock me deep into the morning (Rock)
'Cause by sunrise I'll be gone
I wanna be leaving with someone
I'll here for a good time and you know we both want it

And plus I like to sightsee and if you invite me
I'll very likely pull up where you at
You got the right fee or if you entice me
End of the night might sit this on your lap
Staring at me too long might get you in trouble
I'm hypnotizing, I'm just talking facts
Nightly you'll sight me anywhere you might be

Can't forget about the party girls out lighting up th? world
Let's hear it for the party girls out lighting up th? world (All the party girls)
Ah-ah, ah-ah (Ah), ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah
Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah

Now from this tune come on me want everybody in the dancehall right now tonight
Lighters in the sky
If you're with your lover, if you're with your girl, if you're with your brother, if you're with your sista

Got to get the feeling and the mood right
Want to know what a true Jamaican night life is like
Alright, work hard play hard, don't need no sponsor
Life of the party girl, you’re sweet like sugar
Put the S in sexy girl, me love that figure
When you whine and go down, come up and bend over
True the party can'y start til' you deh bout ya
Sexy up jacuzzi pool side and sauna
So, who make the party start get it hot like fire?
Who makes the rude boys spend a lot of dollars?
Girl pretty in their face, they look fine and proper, yeah
Dress to impress and every man admire
We say no low vibes come up we lift this higher
Burn down the whole club and set the roof on fire

Can't forget about the party girls out lighting up the world (Up the world)
Let's hear it for the party girls out lighting up the world (Give it to them girls)
Ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah (Ah)
Ah-ah (Ah), ah-ah, ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah-ah

Big up to the one name Victoria Monét
Done know seh yuh come out and yuh good, yuh pretty and yuh looking nice
Love up yuhself fi di rest a yuh life
All the party girls all over the world
American girls, London girls, African girls, Island girls, Asian girls
To the party girls (To the party girls)
All around the world (All around the world)
That like to twerk (That like to twerk)
And [?] (Ooh)
I like the girls who like to party
I like the girls with the body (We like the girls who like to party)
I like the girls who like to party (Oh)
I like the girls with the body (We like the girls who like to party)

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