Dope Stars Inc.

Songtext Outlaw thrones Dope Stars Inc.


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Outlaw thrones

Like for all the times again
Waiting for the last drop we can sustain
Like for all the times again
Pushing to the edge the barrier of change

But after all this age of torn
Evil becomes the lord

And then all the crowds again
Hailing for another god
Hailing for a fake
Idol of the modern times
And what is now again?
Cause once a road you take
It is hard to know to tell
Where the horror dwells

For the endless time they gain
And it's nothing else than changing the name
For the endless time they gain
Wearing a new dress of freedom and faith

But after all this age of torn
Evil becomes the lord

But anyway I should get
There's no chance for a hope
But anyway I should get
No dream can stop the fall
As for everything
It's just a dream
It can't change the world at all
As for everything will change it's shape
With a new meaning though
To hail their outlaw thrones

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Dope Stars Inc. is an alternative and industrial rock band formed in Rome, Italy in late 2002, though the band was not officially formed until 2003. The band was founded by Victor Love, Darin Yevonde, Grace Khold and Brian Wolfram. They have three albums and three EPs released, with the latest being released in July 21, 2009. The band has signed with multiple labels since their inception, with Trisol Music Group being their first. Currently, their albums are distributed by Trisol in Europe, Subsound in Italy, Metropolis Records in North America, and other small labels including Deathwatch Asia in Japan and other countries.

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