
Songtext Opium mit jaki liebezeit Schiller


Opium mit jaki liebezeit

Lost in the haze so far away how can we get back home
Lost in the haze so far away who's going to guide us home
I've struggled to get near it to backwards engineer it
But all I find is a smoke and mirrors game
The recondite monopolies the airwaves
Till all believe there is no other way
And this is how we live our lives our opium is televised
Till finally they watch us fade away
Our lifeless generation is going to the wall
A languid demonstration of daze before a fall
A preconceived condition imagined long ago
But will we ever know all that lies below
They'll print it on the front page to synthesis an outrage
But all we find is a decoy once again
Duplicity and trickery surround us
Till all believe there is no other way
And this is how we fall asleep their opium is running deep
Till finally they watch us fade away
Our lifeless generation is going to the wall
A languid demonstration of daze before a fall
A preconceived condition imagined long ago
But will we ever know all that lies below
Waiting to play are we the pawns in this game
Paving the way watching the kings make their claim
Martyrs and spies although we don't realize
Falling away under the watch of their eyes
This is the way we've chosen to be
This is the road that we go down
As clear as the day but still we don't see
We'll only know when it's over
Lost in the haze so far away how can we get back home
Lost in the haze so far away who's going to guide us home
And this is how our nation died our opium has satisfied
And finally they watch us fade away
Our lifeless generation is going to the wall
A languid demonstration of daze before a fall
A preconceived condition imagined long ago
Will we ever know all that lies below
Lost in the haze so far away how can we get back home
Lost in the haze so far away who's going to guide us home

Danke, weil sie diesen text korrigieren

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Schiller is the main project of Christopher von Deylen (born October 1970, in Visselhovede, Lower Saxony, Germany) , a German musician, composer and producer. He has won the ECHO-award (2002) for the Best Dance-Single of the Year .

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