South Park Mexican

Songtext Ooh wee South Park Mexican


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Ooh wee

[Chorus 1]
Ooh Wee
We gonna do them bad for sure
Ooh Wee
Babygirl I thought you know
Ooh Wee
We gonna get throwed and blowed
Ooh Wee
Paint the town like Michealangelo
Ooh Wee

[Chorus 2]
[Baby Beesh]
I know
you find it hard to believe that I am
the genie of your lamp and I can
do anything you wish but right now
I'm commanding you to jam.
Ooh Wee

Scooby Dooby
playa pass it to me.
Sticky icky oowee gooey.
I'm straight out the boonies
bang screwy in my Dully
fingers residuey.
My girl wants a purse so I bought the bitch a Louie.
Got killas that are puny, sick and rather loony
Baby Beesh, Happy P, and my little primo Goofy
I'm the bully with the fully
au-tomatic uzi.
My Jacuzzi full of floozies
ma-king dirty movies.
Feed the needy with my CD
on TV in Tahiti.
Wa-ke up in the morning stretch and smoke me weedees.
I used to be the poorest
ask Mark Flores
now I drive around in a brand new Delores

[Chorus 1]
Ooh Wee
We gonna do them bad for sure
Ooh Wee
Babygirl I thought you know
Ooh Wee
We gonna get throwed and blowed
Ooh Wee
Paint the town like Michealangelo
Ooh Wee

[Chorus 3]
Daddy bought a brand new car
Ooh Wee
Now mamma get to shine like a star
Ooh Wee
Daddy gonna ball till he fall
Ooh Wee
Now mamma get to shop at the mall
Ooh Wee

[Baby Beesh]
Ay Chihuahua
holla on the dollar.
Mamma, shake your nalgas and smoke with Ali Babba.
I got that goo goo and that ga ga
you can call me dada, in the Caddy or the Navi
skating Daytons on Impalas.
Just like Michael Jackson I go thrilla for skrilla,
pushing green pearl and vanilla
hands on my nine milli.
Baby Bash and SPM we don't like no cops
we fidna turn The Dope House into Microsoft.
Well there we go again, with that flow again
acting like you know again, blow it up like Nickelodeon
cleaning up like a custodian. You sure that's him?
Yeah that's bash.
Gone off do do mixed with hash.
He's the one po-lice harass
he's your future and your past.

[Chorus 1]
Ooh Wee
We gonna do them bad for sure
Ooh Wee
Babygirl I thought you know
Ooh Wee
We gonna get throwed and blowed
Ooh Wee
Paint the town like Michealangelo
Ooh Wee

[Chorus 3]
Daddy bought a brand new car
Ooh Wee
Now mamma get to shine like a star
Ooh Wee
Daddy gonna ball till he fall
Ooh Wee
Now mamma get to shop at the mall
Ooh Wee

Bought my own limousine, 20 inch McLeans
5 screens
with 2 margarita machines
high beams, I mean, ballin' since 19
and I still ain't finished counting all my green.
A born loser, microphone abuser
puffing on medusa at the Lollapalooza.
If you introduce her,
I bet I'm gonna goose her.
I've never been a snoozer, I'm a 600 cruiser.
Coming out of Houston with a mouth full of pollution.
Mamma wants to put me in another institution
I smoke a whole quarter but I've never been a snorter.
Your boy SPM I done swam across the border, ha ha ha ha

[Chorus 2]
[Baby Beesh]
I know
you find it hard to believe that I am
the genie of your lamp and I can
do anything you wish but right now
I'm commanding you to jam.
Ooh Wee

[Chorus 1]
Ooh Wee
We gonna do them bad for sure
Ooh Wee
Babygirl I thought you know
Ooh Wee
We gonna get throwed and blowed
Ooh Wee
Paint the town like Michaelangelo
Ooh Wee

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