Mickie Krause

Songtext Oh wie ist das schön Mickie Krause


Oh wie ist das schön

Hello hi, nasty N Dubble
Nah, nah, nay, it's N-Dubz, flip, flip N double A
South's finest N-Dubz
Northwest, west N-Dubz, N-Dubz rep 'cause
Dog, you got the same name as us
Why you hypin' for this, a coincidence?
Can you picture this? Picture what?
Me sittin' on your head piece makin' you beg please
If you wanna pick on him, you have to go through me
Flip, flip won't you G?
Stay outta this, keep ya ass well far like way outta this
Oy, oy, oy, look mind how ya talkin
Shut up, stop talkin', waste man, a brush man
I swear, blud, I'll brush man black
No brush, hold me back
Hold who back, dig in the back
Who are you, dog? Waste man, don't waste my time
Hello hi, nasty N Dubble
Nah, nah, nay, it's N-Dubz, flip, flip N double A
South's finest N-Dubz
Northwest, west N-Dubz, N-Dubz rep 'cause
But who are you really? Don't watch who I am
Don't watch who he is, I wanna know who he is
I swear that's the youth with the glasses
There's no sun, son, love the glasses
Leave the attitude but I'm mad at you
Then try and calm it down
You need to calm it down
Let's do this to music, make money, we're stars
So let's come to our senses, true honesty
In couple of years, we can have our own property
Know about your ego truths, you never get nowhere like this
Boys, you need to relax, you know
Together we stand, divided we part
Hello hi, nasty N Dubble
Nah, nah, nay, it's N-Dubz, flip, flip N double A
South's finest N-Dubz
Northwest, west N-Dubz, N-Dubz rep 'cause
Oy, so what you sayin'? What you sayin'?
Do we sound that bad? No, you're just a little bit mad
So what you're sayin', you wanna make a track?
Let's make business, we could be a nuisance
To the scene we could sell untold units
Let's stop being stupid, come let's do this
Don't knock the door, let's fly, kick through this
Anyway, anyhow
Yes, I'm ready now, solo tell 'em how
Let's make cheddar now
Anyhow, anywhere
Bass got mini bear, tear down any raves
New flight renegades
South's finest N-Dubz
Northwest, west N-Dubz
So what's the deali then lads?
NAA, N-Dubz are double
Nah, nah, nay, it's N-Dubz, flip, flip N double A
South's finest N-Dubz
Northwest, west N-Dubz, N-Dubz rep 'cause
Hello hi, nasty N Dubble
Nah, nah, nay, it's N-Dubz, flip, flip N double A
South's finest N-Dubz
Northwest, west N-Dubz, N-Dubz rep 'cause

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