
Songtext Nothin' like me Tyga


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Nothin' like me

She don't think that I can change
So I switched from a Benz to a Range
First class to the jet (yeah!)
Got more money than her ex
Way more money than her ex
And he ain't nothing like me, girl
I done showed you shit you never seen, girl
But he ain't nothing like me, girl

He complain about your spending
I hand you the card, tell you spend it
Master P, no limit
I let you do you, girl
He don't put no gas in your car, nah
We hit the lot and buy cars, girl
He fuck you every blue moon
I hit it till the sun come up
That's why I fuck with you girl
You ain't looking for no come up
Your nigga ain't about his money
He got zeros, I got commas
He buying drinks, I'm buying bottles
We pulling up on Forgiato's
All of my niggas got money
That nigga can't pull out a hundred

She don't think that I can change
So I switched from a Benz to a Range
First class to the jet (yeah!)
Got more money than her ex
Way more money than her ex
And he ain't nothing like me, girl
I done showed you shit you never seen, girl
But he ain't nothing like me, girl

I ain't gone start shit
And a nigga ain't worried 'bout the homies
Twerk that shit on me from the front to the back
I know you got a nigga, don't lie
Fuck your boyfriend, not tonight
I'ma make you mine, all night
Damn I'm on your ass can't hide it
Cause all my girls that sing this shit don't want a broke nigga (no)
All they wanna do smoke and drink
And they know what I'm thinking
She choosing (choosing) to fuck with a fly nigga
Your bitch about to change up
I'm the truth, you a lie, nigga

She don't think that I can change
So I switched from a Benz to a Range
First class to the jet (yeah!)
Got more money than her ex
Way more money than her ex
And he ain't nothing like me, girl
I done showed you shit you never seen, girl
But he ain't nothing like me, girl

More money, most money
Marlon Wayans, tell them niggas ain't shit funny
Tight money, shit too private for your plane money
You coach money, I toast crimes loaf running
Rich nigga, Alpo, Rich Porter
I'm CEO, plus I fucked his granddaughter
I do shit you think about on the toilet
My cup over-running, flowing like Fiji water
And my new bitch sorta like an alcoholic
Bitch my new car, call that bitch "whatchamacallit"
T-Raw (yeah) got pussy calling
OHB L-K, only balling
I came with the tooth filler
In case a nigga wanna score a round with me, nigga
True shit, trill nigga
Put down my hard hat, drill bitches, fuck with me

She don't think that I can change
So I switched from a Benz to a Range
First class to the jet (yeah!)
Got more money than her ex
Way more money than her ex
And he ain't nothing like me, girl
I done showed you shit you never seen, girl
But he ain't nothing like me, girl
She don't think that I can change
So I switched from a Benz to a Range
First class to the jet (yeah!)
Got more money than her ex
Way more money than her ex
And he ain't nothing like me, girl
I done showed you shit you never seen, girl
But he ain't nothing like me, girl

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