
Songtext Not today (japanese version) Bts


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Not today (japanese version)

All the underdogs in the world
A day may come when we lose
But it is not today. Today, we fight!

No, not today
But no, not today
No no, not today
??????? too good day
No no, not today
No no no, not today

But still part of this world
SO WHAT? ?????????
???? ????
Oh baby yes I want it

???????? Today we will survive
??????? Today we will survive
???????? ????? gear up

Not not today!
Not not today!
Hey~ ????? hands up
Hey~ ????? hands up
Hey~ ????? hands up

????? ???? ???NO!?Not not today
????? ???? ???? Not not today
Hey~ Not not today
Hey~ Not not today
Hey~ Not not today

Too hot, ???doublin’
Too hot, ????? tumblin’
Too high, we on ??????
Too high, ???????

What you say yeah Not today yeah
???????? yeah

??????? Together we won’t die
??????? Together we won’t die
??????? ??????

Not not today!
Not not today!
Hey~ ????? hands up
Hey~ ????? hands up
Hey~ ????? hands up

????? ???? ???NO!?Not not today
????? ???? ???? Not not today
Hey~ Not not today
Hey~ Not not today
Hey~ Not not today

Throw it up! Throw it up!
Break it up! Break it up!
Turn it up! (Turn it up!) Burn it up! (Burn it up!)
?????? (fight!)
???? ?????? That’s (Do) not today!

Not not today!
Not not today!
Hey~ ????? hands up
Hey~ ????? hands up
Hey~ ????? hands up

????? ???? ???NO!?Not not today
????? ???? ???? Not not today
Hey~ Not not today
Hey~ Not not today
Hey~ Not not today


All the underdogs in the world
A day may come when we lose
But it is not today. Today, we fight!

No, not today
Hana wa saki chiru ga
But no, not today
So wa sase nai kyo wa
No no, not today
Mada owaru ni wa too good day
No no, not today
No no no, not today

So, ore ra wa EXTRA
But still part of this world
Yoku aru kedomo
SO WHAT? kyo wa tomaru na mada
Kurayami ni ima hikari ga sasu
Shin sekai no muko e
Oh baby yes I want it

Tobe nai nara hashire Today we will survive
Hashire nakya aruke Today we will survive
Aruke naku te mo ike hatte demo gear up
Nerae! ju! shojun! hassha!

Not not today!
Not not today!
Hey ~ kamawa zu yare hands up
Hey ~ wakaru yatsura hands up
Hey ~ shinjiru nara hands up
Ju! shojun! hassha!

Fukkiri na kuchiru na sakebe ‘NO !' Not not today
Uttede na suki nara te agero Not not today
Hey ~ Not not today
Hey ~ Not not today
Hey ~ Not not today
Ju! shojun! hassha!

Too hot, seiko o doublin?
Too hot, chato o tumblin?
Too high, we on toranporin
Too high, natte matomo ni

Ore tachi deki nakatta shippai
Demo otagai shinji ta mirai
What you say yeah, not today yeah
Ima wa oware nai ze yeah

Boku o shinji te i te Together we won't die
Kimi o shinji te ki te Together we won't die
Issho da to shinji te bodan to shinji te
Nerae! ju! shojun! hassha!

Not not today!
Not not today!
Hey ~ kamawa zu yare hands up
Hey ~ wakaru yatsura hands up
Hey ~ shinjiru nara hands up
Ju! shojun! hassha!

Fukkiri na kuchiru na sakebe NO Not not today
Uttede na suki nara te agero Not not today
Hey ~ Not not today
Hey ~ Not not today
Hey ~ Not not today
Ju! shojun! hassha!

Throw it up! Throw it up!
Mo sute na osore nante mo no
Break it up! Break it up!
Sa kowase tenjo nante dodo
Turn it up! (Turn it up!) Burn it up! (Burn it up!)
Kateru hi made (fight!)
Tsubureru na butsukerun da That's (Do) not today !

Not not today!
Not not today!
Hey ~ kamawa zu yare hands up
Hey ~ wakaru yatsura hands up
Hey ~ shinjiru nara hands up
Ju! shojun! hassha!

Fukkiri na kuchiru na sakebe ‘NO!' Not not today
Uttede na suki nara te agero Not not today
Hey ~ Not not today
Hey ~ Not not today
Hey ~ Not not today
Ju! shojun! hassha!

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