
Songtext Not outside Vory


Not outside


Know you're sick and tired to hear the talk around the town about the kid
Just bought my dream house, you should stop by when you free so you can see it
Ayy, ayy, ayy
Got some niggas in my city tryna dow me and you know they hate to see it
Ayy, ayy
Too many Perkys in my system got me paranoid, they plottin' on the kid
Ayy, ayy

Say I don't go outside unless they talkin' cash talk
I don't go outside unless they talkin' back to
Niggas bitter, I got richer, say I'm way too hard to reach
I be out the way just like the fuckin' sidewalk
They feelin' a way and I can see it
Ayy, I catched the wave so they can see
I put my Wraith around the block 'cause I don't want no one to see
I nev?r see my opps outside, catch
Never ran across a drunk?n man who told a lie, catch
Niggas claim they rich, I be like, "So am I"
Fuck around get your ass capped, fuckin' with my BMI

Know you're sick and tired to hear the talk around the town about the kid (Sheesh)
Just bought my dream house, you should stop by when you free so you can see it
Ayy, ayy, ayy
Got some niggas in my city tryna dow me and you know they hate to see it
Ayy, ayy
Too many Perkys in my system got me paranoid, they plottin' on the kid
Ayy, ayy

Shit, I put down the drank and then I picked up again (Again)
I put down them Perkys then I picked 'em up again (Again)
I just sent my driver to come scoop you and your friends (Skrr)
They just wanna party, they like cocaine, they like Henn' (Yeah)
I pulled off some party in the backseat off the Benz (Yeah)
They both gettin' naughty, off the Molly once again (Yeah)
You feelin' dead but you live for them party once again
She was gave to the same streets I was raised in
She gave up on love 'cause she ran too impatient
Started doin' drugs, I [?] savings
Daddy wasn't around, she said her grandma did the raisin'
Thank God I saved you, say

Know you're sick and tired to hear the talk around the town about the kid (Sheesh)
Just bought my dream house, you should stop by when you free so you can see it
Ayy, ayy, ayy
Got some niggas in my city tryna dow me and you know they hate to see it
Ayy, ayy
Too many Perkys in my system got me paranoid, they plottin' on the kid

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