
Songtext Nobody made me Skepta


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Nobody made me

See I used to think like you
So to diss you wouldn't be fair
But at the same time if I listen to what you tell me I wouldn't be here
Shit turns to gold when I touch it
So me looking at youtube comments is counter-productive
Cause none of that criticism is constructive
So I switch off the mac like fuck this
You're never gonna see me switchin'
Another twitter account with no pic, 10 followers, following everybody he's dissing
I found myself now I'm missing
They love the grime flow I'm spitting
I took it to the chart now they're listening
I can't wait till I'm on tour I'm itchin'
Make some noise
Somebody tell Will Smith I am Legend
What dya know about looking in the fridge and all you can see is a white light like heaven
When I was young I used to beg mum for some money to buy a birthday present
And now parents want to book me for a sweet 16
I'm a birthday present

They didn't want to rate me
But all my supporters came together and saved me
Tears in my eyes
Head high, pointing to the sky
Screaming nobody made me, nobody made me

Put your hands in the air
For the grime MC of the year
Some say I came out of nowhere
Little d'they know it's been a four year nightmare
Running around with no runner
Had to pay for my own radio plugger
Watch'd everybody eating
While I sat there with no bread, no butter
I told myself I gotta do this
Whatever the weather I get through this
Long as I keep making the hits
My distributors gotta move those units
So I never gave up hoping, naa
Forget crying and sulking
They said I was too grimey
Now me and P. Diddy on the iChat laughing and joking
Make some noise
And I hope all you A and R's heard that
I got so much more that I wanna say
But I'm looking foward I can't turn back
Remember it's boy better know all year from october to september
We built this ourselves so the only man that can ever knock me down is Skepta

They didn't want to rate me
But all my supporters came together and saved me
Tears in my eyes
Head high, pointing to the sky
Screaming nobody made me, nobody made me

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Skepta is a performer. Their discography includes Rinse: 04, Greatest Hits, Microphone Champion, Stupid EP and Duppy.

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