
Songtext No sleep Skepta


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No sleep

No sleep
Greaze, yeah

Yeah, wake up, wake up
You keep missing out, should've stayed up
He got blacklisted, should've paid up
Pound coins in the piggy bank, gotta save up
Slept on the floor, never gave up
Now my ex-girl wanna kiss and make up
Man hate on a slide, got bait up
Word to Berman, know I had to go straight up
Now they like wait up, hold on
SK label, that's so gone
They wanna know how everything sold out
Which website do your shoes get sold on?
Where the style at, this one can't go wrong
Put the clothes on, put my gold on
Thought that I was a victim, you were so wrong
Get sprayed up if you tryna roll on
Show's on, look at the girls in the line
Man, I got MILFs in love with the words that I rhyme
Even though I swear and I curse all the time
Saw me on the front cover of the magazine and she said that it's perfectly fine
Now she got the bees and birds on her mind
'Cause I can do uptown, I can do greazy
Yeah, I stay blurrin' the lines

I'm just minding' my business, no, we ain't watchin' anyone else (No)
Wanna hate on me, that's useless, truth is that you must hate yourself (Trust)
'Round here everyone wanna be a millionaire so they can buy grams of smoke
It's so funny how quick they get rich then go broke, but it's not a laughing joke
I'm just minding' my business, no, we ain't watchin' anyone else (Greaze)
Wanna hate on me, that's useless, truth is that you must hate yourself (Boy)
'Round here everyone wanna be a millionaire so they can buy grams of smoke
It's so funny how quick they get rich then go broke, but it's not a laughing joke

The new me learned from the old me
Stay low-key, I still roll deep
Got a man that you talk to
Man wanna jump on the wave, don't let him get cosy
Ask me to describe myself in one word, I'd rather use an emoji
Wanna flex like, "No, you don't know me"
Can't pay the rent but you just bought a stony
You'll see, a wise man once told me
You gotta live within your means
You got a pocket full of cash
But you gotta have a lot more than what's in your jeans
No time to sleep, you better take a nap
Wake up, put in the work, and live the dream
It ain't overnight to get from the bottom to the top, there's a lot of shit in between
Haters gonna intervene
Try pull you out
I realise there ain't nothin' to talk about
You gotta kill 'em with success, show them what focus is all about
Stop getting it twisted
You had a chance to shine, too bad that you missed it
That's what you get for gossipin' online
Every day sippin' on tea, please get him a biscuit

I'm just minding' my business, no, we ain't watchin' anyone else (No)
Wanna hate on me, that's useless, truth is that you must hate yourself (Trust)
'Round here everyone wanna be a millionaire so they can buy grams of smoke
It's so funny how quick they get rich then go broke, but it's not a laughing joke
I'm just minding' my business, no, we ain't watchin' anyone else (Greaze)
Wanna hate on me, that's useless, truth is that you must hate yourself (Boy)
'Round here everyone wanna be a millionaire so they can buy grams of smoke
It's so funny how quick they get rich then go broke, but it's not a laughing joke

Yo Skep, hey, hey wake up, bruv
Hey, yo
Skep, wake up, fam
I'm awake, bruv
You're not awake, fam, you're sleepin'
I wasn't sleepin', bruv, I was just, I was just havin' a nap
Haha! Bruv, why does no one ever wanna get caught sleepin'?
Fam you was dribbling' up all sorts, you weren't in this room, cuz
Allow me, man

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Skepta is a performer. Their discography includes Rinse: 04, Greatest Hits, Microphone Champion, Stupid EP and Duppy.

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