Smoke Dza

Songtext No regrets Smoke Dza


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Der musikalische text NO REGRETS von SMOKE DZA ist auch in dem Album vorhanden The hustler's catalog 2 (2021)

The hustler's catalog 2


No regrets

La música de Harry Fraud

Don't give a fuck about your story, never mattered
Nigga fresh to death like I just came out up the gala
Instruct my little homies with some work like I'm their parent
Dinner at Ballato's, put the pussy on a platter, rather
Often, flossing never gets exhausting
Marathon mental, I'm all in
[?] from the big city
Is she on my dick really or the dick milly
Or the cuban how it sit chilly, really
Making imperative to get with it, really
I know the hustlers is feeling this
Steak tartare, doing business with h?dge fund babies they inv?st
Took a million risks
Brought his wife to the dinner
She did so much botox, she talking like a ventriloquist
Gotta know what you dealing with
Louis, the 13, shots for the table, baby, we [?]

I don't know what possess me to buy another chain
I cop another set, I need another neck
Cartier braces, welcome to lover's lane
Sprinkle some baguettes, baby, no regrets
Sprinkle some baguettes, baby, no regrets
Uh, sprinkle some baguettes, baby

It's deeper than rap like Ross told you
They couldn't pay me enough for what I go through
Before Pro Tools baby I would approach you
Like my name is Dominic, can spit you all kind of shit
While most these niggas soft and counterfeit
Online poppin' shit, tryna save a bitch
Me, I like the Turbo in yellow
She love the way I treat her like she special
The 9 double M got a echo
Nike Air on the back of my Jordan Retro's
It's just another day in the hood
Black on black big body Beamer like Suge
I'm too bossy, trick, get off me
Take her to Katana and I switch to Wallabees
Who you know throwing like this
I'm priceless but I keep them blue strips, nigga
I ain't with the playing at all
Hang my jersey on the wall at the Fox Hill Mall
We was young and just wanted to ball
Seen homies get sent to the juvenile hall
Decades later, we still cracking ho
Staying at The Cosmo with one Gucci tote
And it's forest green, and you know I'm clean
Your favorite girl wanna ride with me in the scene
Yea, it's a motion picture
Balling [?], we about to flick up
I got the Stussy coat hanging to my knees
That's on All Money In, I'ma squeeze
Shoutout my brother Nip Hussle 'fore I leave
Yelling Other People's Money I-N-C
Yelling Other People's Money I-N-C

I don't know what possess me to buy another chain
I cop another set, I need another neck
Cartier braces, welcome to lover's lane
Sprinkle some baguettes, baby, no regrets
Sprinkle some baguettes, baby, no regrets
Uh, sprinkle some baguettes, baby

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