Lil Boom

Songtext No quirk no life Lil Boom


No quirk no life

(Ooh ooh, yeah
Ooh ooh, yeah
Ooh ooh, yeah
Let me be with you
Ooh ooh, yeah
Ooh ooh, yeah
Ooh ooh)
Yeah, uh

Droppin' that top in the vert or somethin'
Pull up on 'em, now they hurt or somethin'
Keep them angles like?I'm?Kurt?or somethin'
With my?niggas like I'm?Burt or somethin'
Put that nigga on a shirt
Sayin' that he work when I know that he workin' nothin'
I chill at the top, don't twirk or nothin'
I lost, like Deku, no quirk or nothin'

That choppa gon' spit like it's lethal injection
I'm fuckin' this session without no protection
The Glock got suppression, the gas got suppression
The money the message, the choppa the weapon
I'm glad all them damn teachers had me suspended
I picked up that pen when the racks wasn't written
Pull off with your ho', like it's new age pimpim'
You give her the dough, that's new age simpin'
I don't do the lean, I been put down the sippin'
But I think I'm Blake Griffin mixed with Scottie Pippen
Niggas say I'm different 'cause of what I listen to
I say "Fuck you, do what I wanna do"
You at the top and ain't nobody under you
If you don't stop, what the fuck are they gonna do?
Complaining, just bitch about blessings that come to you
Money got niggas confused, like a substitute
Yeah, it was just me [?]
Gas up on E, no where to be
I had no dreams, I had no where to sleep
Just with my sisters, my momma and me
I made it out, every night I still weap
But I just felt like my life will repeat
Playin' this game I know I can't beat
Wake up from my sleep and I'm still in a dream

I know, I know
It's low, it's low
Let's go, let's go
You know, you know
Through the pain, through the rain
I stayed the same through everything

Back when I was broke, I was on floors
Thank Tezzo for opening doors
'Cause back then it was locked and I don't even know
This for [?], no need a vaccine
You can see by how they acting
Just drive me and say they crashed it
Everyone overreacting
Wanna go to a world so far
Where no one knows who we are
When we're out at the bar
I can't make it to my car
When the world comes to its end
I hope we can make amends
I hope we can still be friends
But that isn't how it ends

Droppin' that top in the vert or somethin'
Pull up on 'em, now they hurt or somethin'
Keep them angles like I'm Kurt or somethin'
With my niggas like I'm Burt or somethin'
Put that nigga on a shirt
Sayin' that he work when I know that he workin' nothin'
I chill at the top, don't twirk or nothin'
I lost, like Deku, no quirk or nothin'

Ooh ooh, yeah
Ooh ooh, yeah
Ooh ooh, yeah
Let me be with you
Ooh ooh, yeah
Ooh ooh, yeah
Ooh ooh

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