Lil Gotit

Songtext No kizzy Lil Gotit


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No kizzy

Bentley coupe, yeah, for my moms
My diamonds they hit with the sun
Clutchin' on blick, when
I walk through the mall
I just flew in with bitch, yeah he got adderall
I should put the purse on you, small or the tall
Say don't care bout that vest on you, we shoot it off
Your bankroll ain't nothing funny, Lil Duval
I'm stuffin' meatballs in her mouth, yeah them jaws
I'm rockin' spaghetti-getti-wetti, y'all
Lil Carter I'm [?], I'm in love
We bringin' the trap boys, them my dawgs
Lil nigga get out the way or catch the bolt
She cuffin' my dick and I think she need hugs
That bitch started promo, yeah, waive my gang sign
Cartier frames on me, I'm looking skeezed
Let 'em b- like some chickens, I cut off their wigs
I told her no kissing, these racks are no kizzy

I'm nuttin' on doowop, no baby, no kizzy
She just like a Jada, lil baby don't kiss it
I'm still YSL, slime a Richard Mille
If I pop it then everybody is some bitches
Heard the opps and lean shoot him in the kidneys
Just stay a fan cause this slime got a mini
Up the blicky on [?] street, then broke out lil bitches
Sometimes with Hibachi or I bring my bling-bling
He cuffin' that bitch, but she bopping my ding-ding
I don't got a [?], seen too much of leeching
No kizzy, I keep a blue slime it ain't Nechie
If I go up, most these rappers gone be roast
Had to foreign my bitch, I met her at the Vogue
I came in that Maybach, slime like the pope
King Hoodbaby, my son a prince [?]

Head like her momma, she a dick eater
Call of Duty sticks, when they come reach ya
You still a shrimp but you came how I see you
I let my whole family on [?]
Big racks from Lil Haiti on Bleve
I put exotic drugs on, Charlie Sheen
And I told my ma "Yeah, it's a knee"
I stand out in ice, yeah, earrings on her knees
I told you, no kissing
Catch your babydaddy, shot him, he trippin'
Or we gone catch 'em at the blood gettin' blitzed
Or we can turn him to a whack and slime blitz 'em
Lil tampex for that boy, fry him, he crispy
[?] a fucknigga [?]
He still a lil boy, you can tell, just tickle
We gone wet the slide, just let the May' blimmer
Expensive slime, yeah imported leather

Bentley coupe, yeah, for my moms
My diamonds they hit with the sun
Clutchin' on blick, when I walk through the mall
I just flew in with bitch, yeah he got adderall
I should put the purse on you, small or the tall
Say don't care bout that vest on you, we shoot it off
Your bankroll ain't nothing funny, Lil Duval
I'm stuffin' meatballs in her mouth, yeah them jaws
I'm rockin' spaghetti-getti-wetti, y'all
Lil Carter I'm [?], I'm in love
We bringin' the trap boys, them my dawgs
Lil nigga get out the way or catch the bolt
She cuffin' my dick and I think she need hugs
That bitch started promo, yeah, waive my gang sign
Cartier frames on me, I'm looking skeezed
Let 'em b- like some chickens, I cut off their wigs
I told her no kissing, these racks are no kizzy

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