Aesop Rock

Songtext No jumper cables Aesop Rock


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No jumper cables

(Bum train fuckers)
My fancy
Up jumps the boogie delivering eye jammies
Walk through the muck with clutch on a trident
Never give a fuck how far pi went
(He was the lemon every reborn icecolades poltergeist)

Up rock sidewalk cycles stuck at the bus stop
Wookiefoot must not sleep
Under the invaders
No batteries
No jumper cables

Wired underagers play box cutter facelift
Rock out of make shift spirit
To yall I'm just a funny moniker with a couple of fresh records
And a bangin' hand style to put the (jookies) On the guest list

Walk for that
Metal crane grab brainiac
Walk for them
Not a lime light
(Were the blushalisery crips)
And when the multi million
Tin men suck traditional rituals
Out the homes of starving children

And I bet they can see the city bleeding from the satellites
Formed by the corporate war drums recorded poorly

dirty dub fan
Bruised by the (huges all makin pallets)
Chewed by the tooth of living maggots

Dino DNA and cola straight no chaser
Mars attacks colorful bliss?
Rapped up in mother ships

Hazy days will stay purple
Cause zits wit a Z bargain
Like crazy Eddie commercials


Dead bum with a dirt devil
Burned train bumpers High
Cute the way your little parasol spins by
Suck my Neanderthal dick

Catapults spit ooze in the screws and bolts
(And only hurts crews dope and both and soaked in volts)
Zap radio ma ma ma ma mayhem fine
Suicidal lie full of plastic nines

No batteries etc

Come on

Jump motherfuckers
No batteries
Jump motherfuckers
No cables

He only came to fuck the name stuck the train
That's a textbook case
My seed up in flames

Jump motherfuckers
No batteries
Jump motherfuckers
No cables
Curators cater to killers of innovators
I'm a statement

No batteries no jumper cables

Jump train fuckers make a head locked Ed Koch
Nursin the craft of concrete visionaries
Cave painters screaming loosen the cuffs
Cave paintings get the natural history feather dust
Pick a lust

(Temilten) stretch delorian chrome sittin on twenties
Then I walk to the sto burning my laundry

Lo Pro
Fucked up jeans back at the party spittin Cain meets flight of the valkeryes in a heartbeat

Saber tooth cannibal city art liturgy
Anorexic danger to click maximum efficiency

(AN ISN ASS DOPE the line I'm flyn when your PYGARS THEN had their WALLOW PLANKS into the math MOSH)

Tiny fibers in the graphite prison violator
Chopped up for the war gamer systems

Now the architects are rioting cause we built something different
I'm like how tha fuck sure shot evolution not my business

I yell if the television was on
Grape soda Grape ape Great space coaster
DnD GI Joe Transformer Herculiod Thunder Cat Voltron Speed Racer Space Ghoster

Kiss the flickering images with carol Ann fingertips See ford the fourth chamber skips.
Ohh shit

They say his eyes were spiraling back when he hit the mat
Woke first words: Oh it's like that

Started bendin spoons and rippin arrows outa lady hawks
With a C3PO unit tryin to interpret the baby talk

(Bunn train bumpers)
Right turn woulda missed the iceberg fine
But you don't like our kind, do you.
Junk yard Dog hot tin roofs cradle kittens with it's sub par claws

Rappin is my radio graffiti is my TV
B boys keep them windmills breezy.

Jump motherfuckers
No batteries
Jump motherfuckers
No cables

He only came to fuck the name stuck the train
That's a text book case
My seed up in flames

Jump motherfuckers
No batteries
Jump motherfuckers
No cables
Curators cater to killers of innovators
I'm a statement

No batteries no jumper cables

Jump motherfuckers
No batteries
Jump motherfuckers
No cables

He only came to fuck the name stuck the train
That's a text book case
My seed up in flames

Jump motherfuckers
No batteries
Jump motherfuckers
No cables
Curators cater to killers of innovators
I'm a statement

No batteries no jumper cables

Don't get cooked by the pilot light
I can smell metal in the air tonight
I can smell metal in the air tonight
I can smell metal in the air tonight
Don't get cooked by the pilot light
I can smell metal in the air tonight
I can smell metal in the air tonight
I can smell metal in the air tonight

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